Part 3: At war - 1942

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(A/N - I am going to start moving away from the exact plot line but still I will include the key moments)

Flashback - it is 1942 Damon is in New Orleans to fight in war it is also where he met Elijah for the first time.

Damon POV.

The year is 1942 and I have been recruited to serve in the military, Stefan and I have become estranged once again, his best friend Lexi thinks I am the reason Stefan is a Vampire, Stefan hasn't told her the truth, but he is happy and that's what is important. It did not matter how much I needed my brother because he didn't need me. We could only meet if he needed me. I grew used to it, I knew I would always be second choice, second to Stefan but he is my younger brother and I love him so his happiness meant everything to me. The war was happening in New Orleans but had not begun yet, I headed to New Orleans to explore the very city which will soon become destroyed.

Everyone in the city was preparing for war, the humans were preparing ways to stay alive. Knowing I can not die unless I am blown into thousands of pieces of my heart is ripped out. I laugh, humans still hold so much faith in goodness and believe in humanity, it's pathetic. I won't die, I know I will make it out of the war alive. I have time on my hands, 2 weeks to be exact before I need to be at the military base. I make my way to a bar minutes away from where I am currently staying. At the bar, I heard some humans discussing their views on the war and could not suppress my eyeroll. They speak as if they hold importance when in reality they are worthless nobodies. I go and sit by the counter and compel the bartender to bring me a bottle of bourbon and leave it with me. Compulsion. Perks of being a vampire. I feel a pair of eyes on me, I turn to see a tall, Brunette male, gazing at me from across the bar, standing lean against a wall, in a suit hands in his pocket, I felt he was trying to analyse me; I raised a glass to him and flash him my signature smirk. He didn't react. Ok then. God this guy already reeked of morality and superiority, I did not need a Stefan in New Orleans, the one at home is enough. I averted my attention from him when a beautiful redhead came and sat down next to me. She was non-stop flirting with me, complimenting me and practically begging me to have sex with her. I flirted with her for a while casually, it didn't mean anything. Eventually, she started to bore me and I became hungry. I needed to feed, she'll do.

"hey redhead"

I compel her

"come with me outside and don't scream complain or make a noise"

she becomes excited and giggles, she follows me outside, I lead her to an alleyway where I start to feed on her. I won't kill her... Snatch, eat, erase.

"You know, our species we prefer not to get caught feeding off commoners"

I turn and lo and behold the same brunette is watching me.

"It creates complications and we are more sophisticated than that, release the poor lady"

I groaned, who even is this guy and why is he so desperate to save human lives.

"Thanks, dude"

I said grimacing

"but I got this... You can go"

"There are rules, rules in place for a reason."

Of Course, he doesn't leave.

"And we are vampires, rules were made for us to break, you could join... or leave."

Still, he stays right there, ok then. I feed on the girl till she collapses and is dead. I look at him and smile with a bloody mouth expecting him to be annoyed. His expression still does not change.

"I suspected this would happen. Very well clean up your mess and I would advise you leave town"

Leave town, who even is he, my father? Well no he's not because my dad wouldn't care to stop oh and he's dead, ha Stef killed him. I was raging, what the hell, who does this guy think he is. I turned and ran at him to attack him only to meet the ground, I stopped my head from hitting the ground and turned to see he simply moved out of the way. Once again he was standing against the wall. He offered a handkerchief as I stood, I didn't take it, I walked past him and just used my sleeve to wipe off the blood. What? I'm too prideful to take help from this sophisticated dick. I was about to leave when he said

"your efforts to kill me will go in vain, I am an original and it's difficult to kill me"

I replied smirking

"not impossible right?"

To which I was met with an eyebrow raise.

"You are brave, standing face to face with me when I could kill you easily."

I stepped closer towards him.

"Oh yeah." I licked the remaining blood from the side of my mouth.

He took another step till there was just an inch gap between us


he breathed out

"or just plain stupid."

taking his thumb and taking off the blood on the side of my mouth and tasting it.

"You missed a spot"

I am shocked, confused and stunned.

"I didn't catch your name, I'm Damon Salvatore"

I manage to speak while trying to figure him out.

I think I threw him off, I swear I heard his breath hitch.

"Well Damon Salvatore, I didn't tell you. I'm Elijah, Elijah Mikaelson"

I squinted my eyes at him and gave him a stiff smile ready to leave, the distance between us was less than an inch now, he looked down at me, his lips parted slightly as he breathed, I was about to leave when he lifted his hand and placed his finger pointed at my chest, he came closer to the side of my face and stopped near my right ear, I felt an unknown tingling sensation, which I am certain must have been a figment of my imagination. I could feel his breath near my ear he whispered

"I assure you, you do not want to make an enemy of me"

his breath hitched and this time when he came back away from my ear I knew we both felt the tingles, it was probably the weather. I smiled at him and said

"I think I just did"

before he could react because of the practically invisible distance between us I snapped his neck and sped away.

I made a mistake... An original is my enemy.

I returned to the military base a week before we were expected to hope to avoid Elijah, he hadn't made a move to kill me yet, but I knew it wasn't the last I would see of him. After the war ends, I stand corrected as before I could go home I encounter none other than the one and only Elijah Mikaelson. I try to run away from him but he catches up to me and we end up in an alleyway.

"The irony of location is impeccable wouldn't you say?"

Elijah began

"Now at first, I thought you will remain in New Orleans until I allow you to leave. But where is the fun in that, I want you to be worried. I warned you Mr Salvatore don't become my enemy, you didn't listen. You know I could kill you right now but that's boring and simple is it not, young raven."

Did he just nickname me? That's my thing. Also young raven? Has to be because of the hair. The last thing I heard before I fell was,

"but for now we are even"

Darkness. The Bloody Original Snapped my neck. I woke up gasping for breath after a while, alone in the alley. He snapped my neck, the jerk I thought.

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