Part 6: Put on a show

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(A/N - so we have just found out that the boys like each other, but sadly they won't get together just yet, they barely admitted it to themselves. But luckily because of this 3rd person watching the tale unfold, we know there is an attraction between the two. ;)...)

Damon POV.

Last night was boring. Ric had come to the grill and we began to drink. He told me his problems with Jenna, he was insecure about his relationship because Jenna and Elijah had hit off well. I scoff of course Elijah would like Jenna. I don't care about who Elijah likes, I just don't want him to ruin my friend's relationship. I was still very much sober and not drunk enough when Bonnie called to tell me there was a problem and that I needed to come to her house. I sighed and went over to Bonnie's, so much for Elena's preppy motto 'it's mystic falls, nothing bad ever happens here' she was feeling the Caroline spirit, which is something I could use at the moment, as annoying as the blonde is, boy does she raise everyone's spirit. When I got to her house, it was dark, all her lights were off, I could hear Bonnie chanting in Latin, her candles lit up and a circle of flames raised. I ran in quickly, luckily I was invited in, she was sitting in the centre of the circle of fire. She started bleeding from her nose, a sign she was using too much power.
"The moonstone, someone is trying to get it, there's resistance, it's another witch. I don't know if I can keep it bound to Katherine."
She spoke in between her incantations. I didn't know if she was powerful enough, either I let her continue and risk her life or I risk losing the moonstone.
"Shit. BONNIE"
I shouted, pushing her out of the circle. I saw the whites in her eyes as they convulsed and all the flames died out. She looked at me.
"Katherine's gone. The moonstone is gone"
I sighed in relief Bonnie was ok. I was on my knees and she was sitting crossed leg she fell into my arms exhausted but alive apologising feeling guilty, I did not care about the moonstone I was just glad Bonnie was ok.
"It's fine"
I told her
"I'm pretty sure I know who got it off her''
Bonnie sat up confused regaining her energy. I sighed
"suit and tie... Or Klaus."
And for once I hoped it was Elijah who got the rock. After Bonnie regained all her energy I went back to the Salvatore boarding house. I walked into the house telling Stefan there is a problem. My eyes. My beautiful blue eyes. Now scarred for life. The ocean had left my eyes and turned to a pool of dirt. Right on my couch was Stefan with his tongue down Elena's mouth. They jumped away from each other, Elena turning scarlet and I knew Stefan was embarrassed.
"Not on my couch"
I said walking up to them shuddering as I walked past my poor couch,
"we have rooms for a reason brother"
he threw a pillow at me. Elena asked me why I came home so early and how they thought I would be with Alaric.
"Katherine broke the spell that bound her to the moonstone, Bonnie wasn't strong enough to hold it together, she had a moment of possession... Creepy, but she is Ok. The spell was broken by a powerful witch. It could be Klaus' doing or Elijah. I'm hoping for the sake of your girlfriend's Life it's Elijah"
I finished.
"Is Bonnie ok? I should go see her."
Elena said, I stopped her telling her Bonnie is asleep and reminded her a crazy vampire could be lurking ready to eat her. She protested and tried to leave I held her back,
I warned her. Stefan agreed with me. Elena was annoyed but settled down, she understood.
"Elijah wants us to find something else for him. A pot of white oak ashes and a metal dagger can be used against Klaus and is with one of the founding families' '
Elena says, I nodded
"get everyone to meet us here tomorrow morning we'll split up."
I went up to my room and fell asleep the moment I lied on my bed.
Morning arrived quickly. I woke up and had a stretch, opening every muscle in my arms and legs. I went into the shower seeing as though no one had come yet. I wrap a towel around my hips and walk out whistling a tune.
"Taylor Swift?"
I hear a voice,
"You know, you should lock your door. I thought you would learn after last time."
It was Elijah. I sigh.
"You shouldn't just come into people's rooms if I was indecent?"
I drop my towel. His eyes grow wide and he turns around quickly.
"Have you no shame!"
He exclaims.
"What do you mean you are in my room, why are you here?"
I put on a grey shirt and black jeans. Woah. I looked good. I am the eternal stud.
"Are you dressed?"
He asks
"I don't know Elijah, take the risk and find out."
I go stand behind him and whisper in his ear.
He turns around and sees me fully dressed, he moves away from me and I laugh.
"I came to tell you, I have the moonstone off of Katherine and I am heading out of mystic falls for a while. I will be back but meanwhile, you have a task."
I nod.
I chuckle as he leaves, he flips me off. I went downstairs still chuckling as I had an interesting morning. I greeted my brother and we discussed our plan. There was a ring of a bell. It was Elena and the rest. They all came together. Alaric, Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler, Matt Donovan and Jeremy had all come to help find whatever the hell Elijah was looking for.
"Stefan, what is he even looking for, I mean where are we supposed to even find it?"
Elena asked. Judging by the looks on their faces they all wanted to know the same thing.
"Damon and I have discussed this and come up with a plan. Elijah told us to find. white oak Ashes, and a metal dagger, the ashes would be somewhere related to the founders of the town. All of us will have to work together to find it as soon as possible."
Stefan said.
"Where do we look?"
Caroline asked us.
"Everyone will have to check in their own houses as most of you are part of the founding families, and if you're not well you still live in Mystic falls stuff could be hidden in your houses"
I tell them whilst looking around.
"We have six locations we have to search in excluding the houses. We need to check the Lockwood cellar, the sheriff's station, the grill, school, the cemetery and the Gilbert lake house. Stefan and I have assigned each of you a location to search for the white oak. Lockwood takes your family cellar, barbie searches your mother, the sheriff's station, lovebirds will go to the Gilbert house, Pocahontas search the school. Donovan you can be useful for once and search the grill, tell me how it feels to have an actual life purpose. Alaric has a look in the woods, question the council just find out what you can and you wicked witch of the west will check the cemetery as you are the only one the witches won't kill."
They all looked stunned to hear the plan but quickly nodded knowing what to do.
"I will check the old Salvatore estate, look for a certain evil petty doppelganger and a fancy suit and tie old dude, any questions?"
I didn't tell them Elijah had come to visit me. Of Course, Donovan raised his hand, I ignored him, smiling... Extremely proud of myself.
I say and his hand dropped.
"Because if we don't defeat Klaus, he will kill every one of us."
I tell them and the fear in their face rises. They all leave and get to it, Bonnie stays back for a second to tell me she has a rough location of Katherine. YES. I love Bonnie and all of us would be dead without her. Bonnie is amazing and she knows it but I won't tell her that. I will however make sure everyone else shows and tells her she's awesome after this is all over. Well, I guess I am going to Chicago.

Elijah POV.

(A/N - I know that the story of the witches and new Orleans happens way later but I've decided to change up the plotlines to make them my own)

-this is the day and night before, how Elijah gets the moonstone -

After I left the Salvatore Boarding House I went back to New Orleans. I trusted the other lot enough to bring me the white oak so I was going to get the Moonstone off of Katerina. I also had time to think and I admitted something to myself. I like Damon Salvatore, but he would not like me so there was no point dwelling over it. I needed a witch, the sneaky Bennett and Salvatore duo smartly bounded Katerina to the moonstone. I had to locate Katherine first, the witches of the french quarter told me I would find her in Chicago. I went to Chicago's infamous bar, rowdy, dirty, cheap and unsophisticated. Everything I hated but exactly where Katherine would be if she was hiding. I waited a while in the bar.
"Hello Elijah"
I turned and said.
"I'm surprised you found me, what do you want? Wait no let me guess, you want the moonstone. I can't give it to you."
I rolled my eyes. I was expecting this.
"You wish to bargain your freedom from Klaus by using the Moonstone. Katerina, he will never release you for a price so small"
Katherine sighs
"Elijah, even if I wanted to give it to you I can't, I'm bound to the moonstone, it feels like it's inside me. I am the freaking moonstone."
"What if I tell you I have a way to free you"
That got her attention.
"Seriously? Elijah, you have to help me this is so annoying I don't care. Please get this stone off me. I can't be more than 3 metres away from it."
I knew I could get the moonstone now, so I made a deal with her. If she lets me take the moonstone, I will keep Klaus off her back for 5 years giving her enough time to rest and not be scared and have to run. In that time she would be under my protection and her enemies would not kill her. It was a better deal than she deserved and she knew that hence she was quick to agree. We waited till sundown to start the spell. The witch had created a circle and asked Katherine to take a seat inside it. She scoffed but sat down. The New Orleans witch held the moonstone and began her incantations. She starts to struggle as if she was receiving resistance. Blood started falling from her eyes and mouth whoever was resisting was stronger than her.
"It's a Bennett witch, she is way too strong I can't fight her. She will defeat me."
All of a sudden the resistance stops as if someone forced the Bennett witch to stop. The New Orleans witch freed the moonstone but died doing so. She owed my family her life, so she died willingly.
"You are free to go"
I tell Katherine and she is out of the place so fast. Now I realise something, Bonnie Bennett is powerful and an extremely strong witch. I would rather have her as an ally than an enemy. I like Chicago. I head back to mystic falls to inform the duo I have the moonstone, after I do, I may stay here for a couple of days, giving the Mystic Falls Gang some time to find the dagger and ashes. Bonnie Bennett killed a New Orleans witch without being here and almost stopped me from obtaining the moonstone and as far as I am aware she is still alive. She has extremely strong powers and I know she can help defeat Klaus, I want him dead, I know he is my brother but he killed our family, I'm done searching for his redemption.

(A/N - yh we all know that is bullshit Elijah never stops searching for Klaus' redemption, but that is why we love him. ALSO, MY GIRLFRIEND IS HERE. yay, Queen Katherine. We will see more of her of course, this is not the last of Katherine)

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