"We're Being Punked, Pedro"

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Tears formed in my eyes as I walked the halls leading to my room. She lied to me about having a spell and it was a death spell, granted I didn't like the boy but he didn't have to die. Taking power from me to fuel the dark magic was the worst thing I have ever felt since I've been alive.

Opening the double doors to my room, I saw the twins on my bed, their backs against the headboard. Rolling my eyes, I walked to stand at the foot of the king size bed.

"Out. Now," I ordered them.

Apollo and Artemis looked at each other then looked at me with a frown on their faces.

"What's wrong?" they asked at the same time.

"Nothing is wrong." I climbed to Artemis' side and laid my head on her chest. "I missed Olympus."

"You were here a few days ago," Apollo began but I stopped him.

"Apollo stop, I'm trying to sleep."

Artemis put hand in my hair and started to scratch my scalp. She knew this was the fastest way for me to fall asleep.

"Sleep, little one," she whispered and kissed my forehead. After a few seconds, I felt my eyelids close and then I dreamed about the love of my life.


Artemis POV

Apollo and I looked at each other with worry in our eyes, we have seen Alexius sad but not to this extent. Apollo pointed to his head indicating that he wanted me to go through Alexius' memory but I agreed against this suggestion.

"She would never forgive us," I whispered.

Apollo rolled his eyes, saying, "Artemis, someone hurt her and I am going to find out who." He stood up from the bed. "Where does she go when she is on Earth?"

"Mystic Falls, Virginia, the Salvatore School," I relented after an intense staring contest. "Don't do anything stupid, Apollo."

He grinned at me. "I do not do stupid, sister. I will be back." He walked out of Alexius' room, probably on his way to torture a human for hurting his little sister.

Mount Olympus rejoiced with praise when Alexius was born, it was prophesied she would rule Mount Olympus when Zeus retired. Hera and Zeus have been grooming her to be the next leader but Alexius didn't want to rule over Olympus.

She told me there would be too much pressure on her to always make the right decision. I tried telling her she would be the best ruler possible but she didn't believe me.

The door opened, snapping me out of my head. It couldn't have been Apollo he liked to make his torture last. I was right it wasn't my brother, it was Hera making me roll my eyes before she stopped by the side of the bed I was on.

"What is wrong with her?" she asked, her eyes glancing over Alexius' body to see if there were any injuries.

"I do not know Hera, she came back like this," I responded, already wanting to leave this conversation.

"Find out, Artemis. She is missing all her classes when she is on Earth with that girl." Hera rolled her eyes when she mentioned the girl.

"Her name is Andrea," I corrected her.

"I do not care, she needs to be here preparing to take over the throne."

All Hera wanted was power everybody on Mount Olympus knew it, except Alexius. Nobody could blame her, that's her mother she didn't want to see the bad things in her.

I turned my head to face Hera. "Have you thought maybe Alexius doesn't want to rule Mount Olympus?"

"She doesn't have a choice." Hera walked to the door and glanced at me. "When she wakes send her to the throne room," she ordered and left the room.

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