"Mombie Dearest"

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"Apollo!" I yelled in my brother's ear, causing me to laugh as I watched him jump in fright.

He slapped my shoulder with the book in his hands.

"Father should have thrown you off Mount Olympus when you were a child."

"You wound me, brother. Physically and emotionally." I snatched the book and hit him on the head with it.

Apollo grabbed another book from the shelf and whacked my chest. I hit him again before fleeing the library, hearing him pursue me. I laughed looking back at him, but noticed his eyes widened when I collided with a body.

"S-S-Sister," Apollo and I stuttered, looking at the goddess of wisdom.

Her chocolate colored eyes flickered between the two of us.

"How are you on this fine day, dear sister?" I asked.

"What are you troublemakers up to?" she interrogated us, yet she didn't answer my own question.

"We are." Apollo turned to me for help. "What are we doing, Alexius?"

I racked my brain trying to find a suitable answer for our sister. "We are on our way to the garden for a lovely stroll."

"Yes, a stroll," Apollo repeated my words. "It's a beautiful day so we decided to take a walk through the gardens."

Athena stared at us, skeptical of anything we said.

She hummed then looked at me. "Hera wants to see you in the throne room," the goddess informed me.

"I better get going then you know how she is," I chuckled and left Apollo to deal with Athena alone. "Heard you wanted to see me, mother," I said, teleporting into the throne room.

"Why are you searching for ways to break a prophecy?" she inquired without a greeting.

"No "hello" for the favorite child?"

"Alexius, this isn't the time for childish behavior," she hissed, resembling Medusa's snakes. "A prophecy cannot be broken. Why are you looking for a way?"

"Because my girlfriend doesn't want to kill me and I enjoy living."

"If it could be broken your father and I would have already broken it. I don't want you to die, you are my child." She paused then continued speaking, "When you and Ambrosios were born there was a celebration everyday then the prophecies came. Ambrosios would give his life for his lover and you would die by your lover's hand."

"Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove. O no, it is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken; it is the star to every wand'ring bark, whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken," I quoted.

"William Shakespeare. You were paying attention in class," she laughed.

"Just a little, mother."

"You had to fall in love."

"With her it was easy. With her everything is easy."


"Alex," I heard my name being whispered as I walked through the school's garden.

I turned around to see Pedro hiding behind a column, his hand inviting me forward.

"Why are you out here, Pedro?" I asked the young witch.

"I'm hiding from Emma," he admitted.

"And why are you hiding from Emma?"

"I didn't do my Magic 101 homework but that's not why I called you over here. Did you bring me anything from Olympus?"

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