"Are You Cheating On Me With Beignets"

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It has been a few days since we voted for Landon to leave the Salvatore School and things have been slowly getting back to normal. Hope feels bad for kicking him out but I'm happy the mop head is gone.

"Road trip!" I yelled, teleporting into our room.

Hope made a dolphin like sound, placing her hand on her heart and glared at me. "Alexius. We talked about this."

"No teleporting and yelling." I ran over to the bed and sat next to her. "But, I have an excellent reason."

"And what is the reason?" she asked, focusing her eyes on the books I've just noticed on the bed.

Looking over her shoulder, I saw the words "prophecy" and "broken" with pictures of the different oracles over time.

"Andrea," I started but she cut me off.

"There has to be a way to break this prophecy." She faced me with tears in her eyes. "I'm not going to be the one that kills you, Alexius."

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her onto my lap. "It's going to be okay."

She shook her head. "No, it's not."

"What would make the most gorgeous girl in the world stop crying?" I questioned, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes.

The tribrid formed a small smile and pecked my lips. "What is this road trip you were yelling about?"

"I asked Dr. Saltzman if you could have a few days off because of all the monsters and human boys kissing you." Hope slapped my shoulder and I rubbed the spot. "So abusive."

"Alexius, where are we going?"

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson." She rolled her eyes. "Would you like to accompany me to New Orleans?"

A smile appeared on her face. "Of course I would."

"I love you, Andrea." I leaned forward to kiss her.

"I love you too, Alexius," she murmured against my lips and kissed me back.


"Andrea stop touching it," I scolded the tribrid.

"It's my turn to choose the song," she mentioned.

It was hour four into the thirteen hour drive and I was deeply regretting my decision of driving to New Orleans.

"The role of the passenger is to bring snacks which you have done, I applaud you for that. The role of the driver is making sure we don't crash and picking the music."

I could see her rolling her eyes in my peripheral vision. "I'm driving us back then."

"We're flying back. I love you Andrea, but I can't handle another fourteen hours of this."


Hope fell asleep during hour ten and I looked at her, admiring her beauty. I sighed and faced the road again.

"I was never mad at you for using dark magic, I was just worried for you," I whispered and checked that she was still sleeping before continuing. "You are the first person I've let myself care for since Ambrosios died."

Ambrosios was my twin, my other half but he sacrificed himself for Annabeth Chase during the war with the Titans. That was the first time I felt true heartbreak, I locked myself in my room and didn't talk to anyone for months. Whenever I saw Artemis and Apollo, I would grow jealous because they had each other and I didn't have my twin. Athena was the one to bring me back to normal self but there were times I would go back to that dark hole.

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