"Death Keeps Knocking On My Door"

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"What are you drawing, love?" I asked Hope, appearing behind her and kissing her cheek.

She spun around and slapped my chest. "Where have you been?"

She might be small but she hits hard.

"Can you stop hitting me?" The tribrid continued to hit me so I grabbed both of her wrists with one hand. "I was on Olympus."

"Who was that guy?"

"My twin," I hesitated with my answer.

Her eyes widened and she tried to slap me again but she couldn't with my hand restraining her. "You have a twin and you didn't tell me?!" she exclaimed.

"I had a twin, Andrea."

"What do you mean had?" she questioned and I sighed, looking around the library.

"Can we have this discussion elsewhere please?"

Hope nodded her head and I released one of her wrists, leading us out of the library. We stopped in our tracks when a random girl opened the front door and stood in front of us.

"Cassie," Rafael whispered from behind us.

The girl looked over my shoulder and said his name, "Raf."

"Cassie?" Hope repeated as Rafael dropped his backpack. "Isn't that your...?"

"Girlfriend," the werewolf finished Hope's question and ran to the girl, wrapping her in a hug.

"I thought he said she was dead." I looked at Hope, confused.

"He did."

Think we have our next monster.


"That's who I was drawing. The monster. He calls himself The Necromancer," Hope informed me as we went to the werewolf transitional cellars.

"The thing that brings people from the dead?" I wondered and she nodded her head. "That would explain Ambrosios."

"Is that your twin's name?"

"Was my twin's name but he died over twenty years ago. If he and Rafael's dead girlfriend are popping up, this necromancer must have something to do with it."

We walked down the stairs to see Dr. Saltzman with a blowtorch in his hands.

"Dr. Saltzman," Hope called his name and he turned it off.

"Oh, there you are, lovely girl. I was wondering if you'd come visit me again," The Necromancer smiled, showing off his horrible teeth. "How's your friend, the one I saw you with earlier, trying to steal an illicit peek at me?"

"As we speak, he's having an emotional reunion with his dead girlfriend. I assume we have you to thank?" Hope questioned him.

"Poor dear. Her spirit was clinging to him like a vine in winter. It took barely any effort. Just a little wrinkle of the nose, and poof. Young love reborn. You're lucky that's all I did. The way you've treated a man of my stature, you should be ashamed."

"Literally nobody knows who you are," Dr. Saltzman told him.

"That's impossible," he scoffed.

"I'll check on Raf," Dr. Saltzman said to us then left.

"I-If you want an end to this misery, simply bring me the knife and I'll be - on my way... -"

Dr. Saltzman calling for us cut The Necromancer off. "Hope! Alexius!"

With one last look at the monster, we left the basement and went after Dr. Saltzman.

"I take it things aren't going well," Hope assumed as we followed Dr. Saltzman down the halls.

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