"The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do"

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"That was a wonderful thing you did for her," Artemis spoke on my actions a few hours prior regarding Hope.

I shrugged my shoulders in a nonchalant manner not wanting to talk about it. "I still love her, sister, and I genuinely don't think that will change."

"Even though she is destined to wield the sword that will kill you?"

"Even then," I sighed, overlooking the garden.

After Hope finished her painting and bid me a good night, Artemis and I decided to come back to Olympus for the night bearing the Salvatore School could stay out of trouble. We've been in the garden ever since, admiring the different plants and wildlife.

"I'm proud of you, sister."

I gave the goddess a questioning look, saying, "You already told me that. Now I'm really thinking you're dying."

She rolled her eyes, slapping my shoulder with a grin on her face. "The Thalia situation—"

"I've already apologized to your lieutenant." Interrupting my sister earned me another slap on my shoulder.

"It wasn't ideal but you took initiative for your discretions which is why I'm proud. You'll be an excellent ruler of Mount Olympus."

"Granted I even make it to the blasted throne."

"You'll make it, Alexius." She looked at me with a sparkle in her eye causing me to laugh.

"With you by my side, Artemis, I have no doubt."


"Hey Alexius, you have a minute?" Zoi, one of the citizens on Mount Olympus, asked me and I nodded my head following her to the lab.

"Good evening, Zoi," I said, sitting down on one of the many rolling chairs in her lab. "You finally have the results?"

"I do but the reason they were taking so long were because of my findings," she admitted. "Wherever you got it from needs to be housed here immediately."

"What do you mean?" I asked her and she exhaled deeply before speaking.

"The blood you've given me seems to belong to a phoenix."

My eyes widened at her words and the force at which I stood up pushed the chair back enough to create a hole in the wall behind me.

"I had the same reaction."

"You know I would normally laugh at your way of trying to enlighten a tense situation," I told her and she chuckled.

"I know but my findings are true, Alexius. You've somehow come across a phoenix."

"The big fiery bird who regenerates. That phoenix?"

"Do you know any other type of phoenix?"

"At this moment I wish I did, Zoi. I trust you've kept this quiet."

"Of course I have but I have to ask where did you find it?"

"At my ex-girlfriend's boarding school."


"Dr. Saltzman, we need to talk. Immediately," I urged the headmaster whose visible stress level rose with my words.

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