Chapter 11

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Tyler was about to enter the kitchen but halted at the scenery in front of him

The usual

His parents making out, after thirty eight years of marriage the couple still couldn't get enough of one another he thought

He stood there waiting for them to finish but the activity was going intense with each second

"Good morning" he said walking in

They pulled away from each other and looked at the source of their disturbance

Tyler was okay with his parents being close but he was uncomfortable when they started making out in front of him

He believed that activity was only meant to be taken in the bedroom and no where else

"Tyler?" Sharon said surprise full on display on her face

Tyler glanced at his mother before sitting on the stool across her

"What are you doing here? How did you get here" she asked

"Paps anandiuza kuti ndibwele" (Dad told me to come) he nodded at his father who stood behind Sharon

"Why is he here? He's supposed to be at school" she turned her neck to look at her husband

"There's a meeting I need him to attend" he looked down to her

She frowned before sitting on a stool in front of her

"Don't you have your other son for that?"

"He needs to learn how work is done" Ronald said firmly

"No, he needs to be at school" she said anger visible in her voice

"School starts next week mom know that"

She sighed and looked at her last born son

"Good morning everyone"

Mte took that opportunity to make himself present in the room

"Good morning"
"Good morning"

"So how's Nathan's girl" Sharon asks what they were previously talking about thrown out through the window

Her favourite gist mate was here, she didn't want to miss the opportunity to know the activities happening in her son's other home

Tyler took out his phone and opened it with his fingerprint wanting to look uninterested in subject

"She's good, she's made friends already" Mte answers

Tyler momentarily zoned out as he focused his attention on his phone

He had a few messages from different chats but what caught his eye was the new number Fiona added from their group

He tapped on it opening the group chat in the process

Guys welcome Lexi
Welcome @lexi

Welcome Alex

Why'd you take so long to add her

Welcome Lexi

Thanks guys

People still welcome new members in groups? 🙄🙄🙄

😂😂😂 I don't think they do

He kept lurking as his friends continued chatting

"Nathan akuziwa kuti nyumba ndi ya Tyler?" (Does Nathan know that it's Tyler's house?" Ronald asked as he sat next to his wife

Tyler looked up

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