Chapter 41

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"Check up on Angelo for me will you?"  Ben went straight to the point

"Is he sick?" Alex furrowed her eyebrows

"Involved in a fight, I'm away on an errand he sent me ...check on him will you, his eating habits deteriorated this past month he just got himself together, I don't think that fight did him any good with his weak body"

"Wait what? What are you saying? What's going on with him" Alex asked worried

"He's not taking the Fiona situation well, he was truly smitten by her" he tsked at his mater's ridiculousness

"I didn't know it was this serious" Alex said down

"Check on him"

"I will, I just have to get ready"

With that Ben cut the call on the other end leaving Alex wondering, Angelo was never one to react negatively to girl tactics

Did she mean that lots to him


She looked up to find Tyler all dressed up, he walked around the counter and into the kitchen

He rocked in his outfit as usual, he had put on a cream white jacket with a white T-shirt which he tucked inside grey jeans with a black belt, white Snickers on his feet. His hair was more curly than ever on his head

"Like what you see?" Tyler smirked as he walked to her

"Always" Alex proudly said as she looked up to him

Tyler smiled as he pecked his lips

"I got distracted with Ben's call and lost track of time, sorry" Alex explained herself

Tyler's tummy grumbled making both of them to look at the source of the noise

"I can make you instant noodles?" She offered

"Sure" Tyler said as he sat on one of the stool "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, just Angelo overreacting over small issues again" Alex said as she took three packets of noodles from a cupboard and put them into a pot of water on the cooker

"Small issues?"

"Well they're not really small issues" she said as she switched the cooker on "He happens to like Fiona" Alex said as she sat next to him

Tyler looked at her

"They were all good until last day of the semester" she said as she looked into open space "I don't remember seeing my brother that happy with anyone in his life, sure he dated a few girls back in the day but he only spent little time with Fiona and" she inhaled and exhaled silently "he looked very happy"

"Then what's the problem?" Tyler asked

He planned on staying silent wanting to hear the other side of the story, something he regret not doing when he found out her brother was the reason for Fiona's disappearance

"I saw him in her room, he couldn't stop grinning that morning and then a few days later Fiona went MIA on him"

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows

"That's it?" He asked

"Yeah, I don't know what he did ...he doesn't know either, he's been trying to reach out to her but she blocked him everywhere"

"She just stopped talking to him?" Tyler asked his voice laced with confusion

"Yeah, it's confusing really and Ben just told me he lost appetite for a whole month" Alex said as she got up and walked to the cooker

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