Chapter 30

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"So a family of three, you and your twin siblings yes?" Alex asked

"Yeah" Tyler nodded "they're married though"

Alex looked at him and smiled

"Probably know about that too I believe"

"My mom talks alot about her friends" Alex chuckled

"So does mine" Tyler smiled

"You are 21 and very smart according to my mother's stories, I know that you were very fun and outgoing but with your friends but changed after a bad experience with an ex, your mother is a fashion celebrity and you have twins who are married, you're obviously the last born and an uncle" Alex chuckled "so basically we know alot about each through our rents"

"You know a lot about me" he smiled

"Well thanks to our mothers tea talks" Alex shrugged

"Not just our parents though" he said as he looked into open space

"Huh" she brought her eyebrows together

"I've known you for a while" he looked at her


"Yeah, I-"

Tyler was cut by his phone ringing, he looked at it before looking at Alex

"It's okay you can take it" She smiled

Smiling apologetically he answered his phone as he disappeared through the door

All alone Alex looked around admiring his room, it was big comparing to all the rooms in the house

It was his place after all

She looked at the door where Tyler disappeared to and sighed, she was glad he liked her back

She smiled and did a victory dance before letting out a muffled giggle

She plumped herself on the bed spreading her arms as she looked at the crystal chandelier, she rolled to one side and closed her eyes

"I like you too Tyler" she smiled


"Did he give you the files?" Terrence asked

"Yeah today, I've signed everything all that's left is to make a copy and give it back" Tyler answered

"Weren't you supposed to do that after he gave you, Angelo's a busy man"

"He's here, we'll do it tomorrow"

"What? There?" Terrence asked surprised

Under no circumstance did he picture Angelo in his little brother's house, sure Alex was living there but he wasn't the kind to hang around children

"Yeah, he came for chills"

Terrence chuckled through the phone

"That doesn't sound like Angelo"

"I know"

Tyler sighed as he looked at the closed door

"Maybe he's got something going on with one of your friends?"

"Nah I don't think so, they're all tak-"

Tyler widened his eyes as Fiona's name echoed in his head


"I hope we're bluffing, get me the ownership files as soon as you come home tomorrow yeah?"

"Yeah sure I gotta go now"

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