Chapter 44

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If he knew that he had to get into a fight to grab her attention, he would've done it a long time ago

He had missed her soft lips on hers, Tyler pulled away and buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her cent. He had missed her cologne, how she felt

"Tyler" she whispered uncomfortable of the audience watching them

She brought his face in front of hers making him lock eyes with her, butterflies erupted in her stomach as she saw how he gazed at her

Alex had a worried expression as she caressed his side of the jaw where a bruise began to form


The couple was brought back to earth as they turned their heads to the source of their interruption

"You're the anonymous boyfriend Lexi hasn't told us about yet!" Molly shouted surprised

"You really thought Tyler would let her bring a guy in his house?" Mte shook his head

Tyler attempted to stand but winced and sat back down at the sharp pain he felt in his head

Must've hit my head bad

"Shoot you're right ...why didn't I think of that" Zack said his forefinger on his chin with furrowed eyebrows

"Because We all know he wasn't a ladies man" Molly said bewildered as she watched Alex help Tyler up

"Wow! I can't believe this" Molly chuckled

"What is going on here"

All heads were whipped to the Principal, the man did not tolerate any form of violence. One of his students reported to him about a fight when he was roaming around the university premises and wasted no time to make himself present at the scene

By the gathering of the children, surely something was or happened already. The students parted way for him and he entered the classroom

The Principal let out an aspirated sigh as soon as he saw who seemed to have created the drama

"Well what are you doing here? Get on with whatever you were doing, don't gather here" he shooed the students that gathered away

His hands akimbo, he looked at Zack who sat on the floor with a girl standing next to her and Tyler who stood with support from another girl

These two are the culprits

"I know you'll probably get away with this but I need an explanation" the principal said with a serious face

"Sir!" Chad came out of the blue and entered the room "they started it! I was just walking chilling with Roddie-"

Tyler clicked his tongue and turned around to walk out of the room, which he did making his friends to follow suit

These were the times he was grateful for the power his family had over the school. He would do whatever he wanted, Tyler wasn't scared of anything or anyone his father excluded

"Are you okay?" Alex brought him out of his thoughts

He nodded

"Aren't we going to get in trouble for walking out on the principal like that?" Molly asked

"Nah" Zack assured her

"Man never knew you'd have my back like old times like that" Zack grinned as walked next to Molly

They were now walking to the elevator walking with normal faces like they hadn't been in any form of fight

Mte pulled out his phone to text Lillian

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