Chapter 21

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It was a beautiful morning as it usually was everyday and Alex was sound asleep in her bed enjoying every second of it, or so it seemed

She hadn't slept one bit until late in the AMs

A lot occupied her mind so much that it stole her sleep

Tyler, Louis, her relationship with both of them and not to mention her friend Lillian who just happened to like Tyler, making things difficult for her

Either way she had to break up with Louis, she didn't know how or where to start and to make matters worse, Tyler decided to spice things up a bit with another kiss

On any other day in a different situation, she'd be glad but that wasn't the case. For once she wished drama could just give her a breather and not attack her continuously

Deep in her sleep her phone interrupted her like it normally did

With a light frown on her face, she lazily opened her eyes. That wasn't the alarm ringtone she had set

Slowly she took her phone and checked the caller ID before swiping her thumb on the screen

"Hello" she said groggily putting her phone on loud speaker



"Where you" Mte asked in an edged tone

"Home" Alex frowned "what's up"

She heard sighs and some shuffling causing Alex to abruptly sat upright on her bed

"On my way up, something came up"

"Huh? Mte wh-"

The call was cut

She looked at her phone with a confused look on her face

What was that

She was about to call him back when she heard loud knocking, it sounded like the front door from how faint the knock was

Alex got up and opened her bedroom door, she found Fiona and Tyler both on their doors each looking as confused as her

Her eyes landed on Tyler, his face reminded her of the kiss they shared recently. She wasn't ready to talk to him and being shirtless did not help her situation either

Averting her eyes from his upper body, they made eye contact for a few seconds before they were interrupted by a tired Fiona

"Who's that" Fiona said rubbing her eye sleep purely evident on her

Alex started walking towards the door remembering what just occurred a few minutes ago

"Has to be Mte he-"

She stopped as she felt his hand on her arm, goosebumps took over her body as she felt the strong but gentle grip

Alex turned to look at him

"I won't let you open that door" he said with authority

She looked into his eyes, she could be dreaming but Alex felt a sense of protectiveness from Tyler

Somehow that made her feel safe

Something she never felt from Louis, she was always on the edge and ready to take off whenever her boyfriend was around

But with Tyler at that moment she felt different

"Um guys..." Fiona trailed off

They both looked at her

"Are we going to ignore the loud banging on the door? This isn't the time for romancing you know" Fiona raised her eyebrows

Alex stepped away causing Tyler's hand to fall to his side

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