Chapter 26

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A week and some days had passed after Alex's breakdown at her brother's house

To say everything went back to normal was a lie Alex would never dream of telling

Bennard was everywhere that she went, during her classes he waited for her at the car park, in the library he sat next or near her, at Patty's they were together like a couple

Bennard was to be with Alex wherever she went until Angelo gave the order for Ben to step back

Alex had met her friends a couple of times during the past week, she barely spent five minutes with them as she felt guilty making Bennard wait for her like a bodyguard would

She watched as the lecture finished the class for the day and walked right out after a minute of packing his books in his bag

She sighed

Alex was tired, she wanted and needed her freedom back or she'd go insane

She got up and descended down the  classroom's steps before walking to the door, upon arriving the exit door Alex found someone waiting for her outside

Her face lit up as Fiona came in view

"Hey" Alex grinned as she jogged to her her arms wide open

"Hi" Fiona chuckled as she welcomed Alex's hug

"I missed you" Alex said hugging her friend tight

"I missed you too" Fiona said before pulling away from the hug

They both started walking slowly in the corridor as they spoke

"So how're you holding up"

"Not so great, Angel is being difficult and too protective" Alex rolled her eyes

"That I can totally see" Fiona smiled

"He literally doesn't want Louis anywhere near me" she stopped and looked at Fiona " I wish I could come back though" she pouted as they continued walking

They entered the elevator and pressed the first floor

"Come on" Fiona chuckled "he just doesn't want to see you hurt again"

Alex frowned

"Shouldn't you be on my side?"

"I'm with your brother on this one-"

"But taking me and sticking his butler on me is way too dramatic don't you think?"

Fiona closed her eyes and nodded

"You have a point" she looked at me


The doors opened and they walked out

"But ...the semester is already over so it's not worth it that you come back"

"Ugh" Alex covered her face with her hands "I wish this didn't happen"

Fiona chuckled as she pulled one of Alex's hand getting out of the building

"It's over now, be happy"

"I'm far from that" Alex muttered

"Well happiness is coming your way" Fiona stood in front of Alex as they arrived at the car park

Fiona was about to speak when they heard someone calling Alex's name from afar


Alex looked to her right to see Molly and Zack, a smile made its way to her face immediately she saw the two

"Hey guys" Alex grinned as she waved at them like they were far

"You miss us that" Molly smiled as they stopped im front of her next to Fiona

"You have no idea how it feels not to have the freedom to see you guys on a daily basis"

"We miss you too" Zack gave Alex a side hug

Alex giggled as she hugged back

"So you coming tonight?" Zack asked as he pulled back

"What's tonight?" Alex frowned

"You haven't told her yet?" Molly asked

"Well I was about to" Fiona said "Truth or Dare Friday" she looked at Alex

"The last one this sem" Zack added

"Really?" She worriedly looked at her friends "I so wish I could come"

"What's stopping you?" Molly asked

"Well" she turned and looked behind her, Bennard stood there leaning on her car looking at them "I can't, Angelo is literally breathing on my neck right now" she turned back

"He's the butler?" Molly asked his eyes on Bennard

"Angelo's Butler" Alex answered

Zack whistle

"Have to admit he hot" Molly said

"Agreeing with you on that one babe" Zack put arm on Molly's shoulder eyeing the man

"He does have good arms now that I look at him" Fiona said

"You should introduce us to him" Molly looked at Alex

"Alright can we not talk about him ...please?"

"So he's the one that got the girls attention around here huh?" Zack chuckled

"What girls" Alex asked confused

"How do you not know about this? Girls are literally sashaying their butts and trying their luck on that guy since Monday last week" Molly laughed

"Wait what? ...huh? ..okay can we focus on tomorrow?"

"How sure are you he won't let you come?" Zack asked

"We could talk to him" Fiona suggested

Molly glanced at Fiona, she wondered if her friend would have the guts to speak to Angelo. She always changed her mood immediately the man was in the room

"Or just bring him along" Zack said

Alex thought about it for a few seconds, that was a great idea. Angelo's eyes would be on her and she'd be with her friends

Killing two birds with one stone, but would her brother agree to that though. Looking at Bennard then back at her friends she sighed

"I'll try"

"Do" Molly said

"Okay" Alex smiled "I have to go now"

"So see you tomorrow?" Fiona asked

Alex nodded as she gave each one of them a hug and walked away with a wave

She couldn't help but feel excited as she neared to Bennard,for the first time after going at Angelo's house she was finally going back to Tyler's

She couldn't wait to chill with her friends

Most of all, she couldn't wait to see him


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