Chapter 28

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Just like all Fridays, they surrounded the table with a glass bottle on the middle

Zack and Molly had moved to the floor, Alex sat opposite Mte and Fiona while Angelo sat comfortably with Fiona opposite Zack and Moly

"Alright, how do you start this thing" Angelo asked

He was all in for the fun, it had been months since he lay low in for some relaxation and chills

Being there was what he just needed he thought as he gave Fiona a quick glance

"We spin the bottle Angel" Alex said in a duh tone as she spinned the bottle

The bottle spinned, and spinned until it pointed Zack

"Wow" he smirked proudly "what a way to start the night ..with this gorgeous being" He looked at Angelo "come at me"

"Truth or Dare Zack" Angelo asked


"I dare you to eat a spoonful of hot sauce and don't chicken out about it"

The girls let out a few gasps and surprised faces as the two looked at each other challengingly


Zack stood and walked to the kitchen, he took out a bottle of hot sauce and a tablespoon

"Hurry up will ya"

Zack poured the sauce on the spoon and gulped it in one go, he felt the hot sensation slid down his oesophagus slowly but stayed strong

He cleared his throat trying to stay strong as he walked back to his seat

"You okay?" Molly asked softly

"Yeah" he let out a little squeaky voice "I mean yeah" he said as he cleared his throat again

Mte chuckled

"Not funny Mtendere" Molly rolled her eyes

Mte laughed not being able to control himself

"Alright alright Mte shush quiet down" Lillian put her hand on his shoulder

Alex shook her head with a smile on her face as she spinned the bottle again

The bottle spinned, and spinned till it pointed Lilly

"Oouu" Zack cheered
Mte dramatically cleared his throat

Fiona laughed at her friend's reactions

"Should that mean something?" Angelo raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face

Mte shook his head

"Ignore em" Molly

"Truth boo" Lillian said

"What's something you're glad your mom doesn't know about you" Alex asked

"Wow how'd you think of that one" Fiona looked at Alex with admiration

"Pshh" Angelo rolled his eyes

"Sneaking out of the house at night"

"Ah" Molly in disbelief

There was silence

Lillian gave Molly a questioning look but flinched when everyone broke out into laughter

"What guys?" Lillian

"That's what you're glad your mom doesn't know?" Angelo asked in laughter

"I expected more" Molly said as she calmed down

"Like what?" Lillian chuckled

"Like when you lost your virginity" Mte smirked at her

Lillian covered Mte's face with her hand

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