EXTRA: 5 Facts about SMOTR

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Hello again! So since this story has reached 500 reads, I'm going to give some random facts about this novelette. Thanks again so much for reading, this is all greatly appreciated! Love you all!

1. It took 5 days

This whole story, start to finish + editing, took me only 5 days to make. Immediately after the project was assigned, I immediately got to work and began writing the story. This was originally a pair work but since my partner wasn't cooperating, I requested that I just do it on my own. After my teacher agreed, I basically did it in 5 days and turned it in the week after.

2. Word Limit

So...originally, there was no word limit. All Sir said was "minimum of 2.5k words, no maximum" (because it was a short story) And I don't know why but the gremlin in my brain took that personally, and when I submitted the raw draft in for checking, the teacher immediately redacted his earlier statement. ("Okay, new rule. Word limit is 15k words.") 

3. Amelia, Who tf is she?

Even I, the author, had a hard time coming up what her origins were. She basically just popped up in my head as a character and boom, there she was.

But in terms of past, this is all I could conjure up with. If you pay close attention, you'd notice that Amelia doesn't have a last name. She is only exclusively referred to by her aliases or simply "Amelia of Malolos". This is because as a child, she was an orphan who was sold into an establishment that raises child soldiers and bodyguards for rich families. The Estrellas bought her as a means of protection for Paloma. 

If you're from TikTok, then y'all already know what's coming up next...

4. Amelia vs Marcela 

I will be completely, 100% honest; I did NOT know about Marcela Marcelo at all when making this story. Again, it's just something I made in the span of 5 days with little research. I just wrote whatever felt right in the moment, from locations and other specifics stories. 

So when I heard about Marcela, this one lined up really well with her life somehow, minus some small details. Whether or not past life,  I still think it's a very cool coincidence.

5. PaMelia (Paloma x Amelia) 

This truly came out of nowhere for me. One thing I knew I got going for me was that Paloma is a lesbian. That one I at least knew. But for Amelia to fall for her is something I...did not expect but ran with. (To those curious about Amelia's sexuality, that's up to you readers lol)

Paloma did have a passing thing with one of the girls in their school before, but she only realized that she loved Amelia when she found out she was willing to go with her to war. Amelia, on the other hand, always loved Paloma but was willing to let it go. She also felt that it was a little inappropriate to have a crush on someone who's technically a superior.  

That thought changes when they join the Katipunan and now, it's Amelia who's above station as a Bayani. But also there was war going on, so they really didn't have much time to deal with their feelings. If y'all want me to write an extra with some cute PaMelia moments, just tell me lol.

And that's it! I'm surprised that this story even got 500 reads! It's the most I've ever gotten tbh lol. I know it's considered few, but I truly mean it when I say that this story means a lot. I'm thankful for all the reads and comments. 

Also, keep an eye out for another novel coming up soon! It's a BL novel set to Pre-colonial Philippines, with a healthy dash of mythology. (It's called "The Land In Between")

Until we meet again!

- Carolla Sta. Ana

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