Afterword and Dedication

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A historical short story was required as our performance task in the subject Creative Writing. More specifically, a historical short story based on Philippine History. Researching about all the things about Katipunan and old traditions was so fun and cool, and I'm sorry if it's not entirely accurate to what actually happened. I hope none of you mind that much because I had to pull some strings to make things match up. I'm happy with the end result.

I wanted a story that was...not conventional. Nothing against romance, but it really wasn't the vibe I was going for in terms of history (trust me, Amelia and Paloma happening was a shock for you as it was for me). So I wanted something different. People don't talk about moms that much. Based on a lot of the YA novels and stories around here, the parents' characterizations get swept under the rug even though they would make such an intriguing point of view. Like you can still do action and still be a kickass mom, which is what I wanted Amelia to be. I hope all of you can look at your parent/s with a new perspective, knowing that a lot of them are willing to sacrifice so much for you.

For its ending, I guess that's up to you to decide where Amelia and Paloma go on from here. May their future be kinder than their past. Onto the dedications!

To Sir Mond, my Creative Writing teacher. I am so sorry for nearly exceeding the word limit (luckily, I passed thru with a few thousand words left)

To Sir Floq, my Grade 10 Filipino teacher. You made me so interested with Filipino History and literature, that the moment I knew we had this project I already could form something based on our class discussions last year. Sir, you are one of the best teachers that really pushed me to want to learn more, even though I am a terrible Filipino speaker.

To Anya, my fellow good hoe and best friend. Thank you for putting up with me and still continuing and supporting me through all my wacky endeavors. This one's on you, bes.

To Annika, my granddaughter who is older by one year (nah lol, she just calls me her Lola (grandma) HAHAHAHA). Thank you reading this and enjoying it. We always shared a thing about writing and I'm so happy about your development in poetry along with my prose.

To Lea, my mom and my rock. Your dedication for raising us three kids alone is what pushed me to make sure that more people could see what a mother really is. You have inspired me and always wanted the best for me; I promise I won't go to war like Amado, don't worry.

And to you, the reader. Thanks for enjoying this, I guess. Until then!

- Carolla Sta. Ana

(EDIT: If y'all are from TikTok, I told you it wasn't that good HAHAHAHA)

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