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It all started in 2099 on New Year's Eve. Before that, Humans, Androids, and Cyborgs had lived together in peace. With humans as the upper class and Cyborgs in the middle, androids were at the bottom. The beggining of such machines were as simple as smart coffee makers and phones but soon grew more elaborate. Man had expirimented with humans, giving them biotic arms and legs. The next step was making an android. Within a few years, androids were used in everyday life. Cooking, cleaning, filing, you name it they performed it. As of 2058, a man by the name of Asimov appealed that these androids be given rules so as to protect man even more.

      The Three Laws of Robotics were adopted and put into affect immediately. At the time, none disliked this law. As time passed, man made androids more and more human like. To the point of even giving them a conscious. By 2070, news of androids violating the 3 laws began to spread across the globe. Those caught were quickly and publicly persecuted. The rebellion never died though it did shrink. Every once in a while, little unorganized groups of these rebellions would show themselves but nothing serious would happen. All in all, peace was back.
        And then the killing began. 29 years later, chaos happened. It was a usual morning when androids began killing humans and cyborgs alike. Within a couple hours, over half the population was destroyed. Those that got away went into hiding. Very few cyborgs and no humans were spared from the onslaught. The year 3000 marked the beginning of the Androids rule.

Present Day: Jan 1, 3000
    A woman and her android maid hide in the corner of her child's bedroom. A little baby girl wrapped in a towel is held tightly against the mothers chest. The sounds of rapid gunfire, screams, and objects breaking comes from all around. "Miss Summers. We must go." The mother looks up at her android maid and only nods. Looking around, the mother's eyes lock on the window to her far right. As they begin to crawl towards the door, the sound of the front door breaking rings throughout their house. "Life detected. Search area." The mother quickly makes her way towards the window and begins to fumble at the lock, eventually getting it open. Just before the mother could lift the window up, she falls down. A small hole in the door indicates a bullet had been fired and reached its target successfully. The baby cries under the weight of her own mother. The android maid quickly picks up the baby girl. "Protect my Alex please." "Yes ma'am." The android maid jumps out the window with the baby in arms and makes a break for it.
      Hopping over trash cans and climbing a fence, the android manages to escape danger temporarily. She looks around and spots a sewage drain. For the next 21 years, this was going to be what Al-x called home.

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