Chapter 2

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• Picture above is concept art from Bungie's Destiny •

After two weeks of getting used to the suit, mom was gonna take me somewhere outside into the real world. I put on my tank, camo pants, and boots. After strapping on some knives and guns, we started towards our 'door'. I climbed up the old ladder and pushed the sewage lid away, revealing grey clouds and a fog that stuck to the ground.
I picked up my mother and silently began to jog. She told me the directions and this time I followed them. As I continued to jog, it soon began to rain. It felt weird and burned slightly. It was acidized humid rain. The kind that stuck to you.
"Right. There. On left." I looked ahead at a fairly large building. Some of the company's name were still intact. "TECH?" I looked towards my mom for answers. "Technology. Ensuring. Children's. History." "So it produced history tablets?" She nodded.
We entered the building and began to look around. Shelves and shelves of tablets were all over the place. I grabbed some I thought looked interesting and sat at a table. Mom came over with a stack as well. "Wisdom good." I nodded and turned them all on. They were all about mechanics to androids and what types there are. The government and how it rules today.
"So every one of you is made for a specific purpose?" "Yes." I nodded. "Can you change that in any way?" "Every chip. Made to fit. That role." "What about an update? If there was a newer version?" She nodded that it was possible. Mom started walking towards the end of the building and started dragging something. Big. I immediately went to help her. I set the box on the table and looked inside.
"Parts?" Mom nodded and picked them up. "Update." I nodded and told her we'll need tools. "In other. Box." I looked back and saw several boxes. All of them parts and tools needed to build an android. I looked at the parts and began building. These materials were hard plastic and wouldn't rust. As I began to build my mom's new body, I began to think outside of the box. No pun intended. I began looking around the area and grabbing bits and pieces. I wanted her to be able to transform into a hover board so she could be with me. For a small amount of time, they made hybrids that were multipurpose but that idea just wasn't popular so they stopped production. I added small thrusters and a gravitonal balance sequencer so I could go fast and keep myself balanced. After I finished making the body, I painted it black and pink. When mom looked at her new body, she hugged me tightly. "Thank you. Amazing. Amazing." I nodded and asked her to lay down. I took out her memory chip and put it in the new android hybrid. After a few minutes, she came to life. "Woah I have great vision, and my voice... It's fixed." I smiled. "I figured you would like it." She slowly got off the table and hugged me. "I love it but not as much as I love you."

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