Ch. 4

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    It was dark and just plain creepy. Drops of water echoed. I could hear the android above ground trying to find us. I sighed and rolled my eyes. He was never going to kill me as long as I have any say in it.
    "Okay the area is secured." I nodded and stepped off my mother, allowing her to further transform. "We make camp here tonight. You gather food while I look around more." I obeyed her and began looking around. From what I could tell, this place used to be a small general purpose store. I found clothing, a few jugs of water, and a couple cans of food. I walked over to where I had set one of my guns and began making a make shift shelter.
Old dry cardboard covered the small area and a an actual blue tarp to keep the acid water off us. We made a small fire and I cooked two cans of green beans. Since mother didn't eat food, she just sat and watched as guard. The food tastes amazing considering what I had been eating my entire life. The water tasted sweet as well. By the time I finished eating, I was all tired out. "Go rest Al-X. I'll awake you when I need to." I nodded and layed down on the stuffed animals I had collected throughout the area. I could feel sleep tugging on my mind as I slowly drifted to sleep.
I woke up and stretched my body and all my muscles. "Good morning," mother said. I smiled and said good morning back. "Sleep well?" She sat next to me on an old crate. "For once yes. These fluffy animals really did the trick." She laughed in her robotic voice. "I am glad to hear but we have to get moving now." "Why?" "It's only a matter of time before we are found by someone or something other than your bounty hunter." I Began doing my push-ups and asked her what she meant. "Junkers crawl all over this place. Junkers are old androids that will do anything to find a living source. Human and mechanic alike." I stood up and started getting dressed. I smelled my clothing and cringed my nose. "How about our next place be somewhere with water so I can clean these clothes." She nodded in disagreement. "The stench masks your odor." I reloaded my gun and began packing the food and water into a dark green bag. I looked at the stuffed animals one last time and frowned. I really want to take one with me. Mother must have noticed this because she sighed loudly. "You can take just one." "Yaay!" I quickly searched through the pile and found a small fluffy turtle. I stuffed it into my bag and finished getting ready.
Two hours of walking passed by and nothing. I felt myself on edge. So much as a twig snapping I was aiming my gun at it. In the distance, a large wall and a bridge stood. I could hear music in the distance. "What is that," I asked. "Commoners district." "The what?" "This is where all the lower class and out of date androids and cyborgs live. Think of it as the poor area." As we began to get closer, the music was getting louder. "Where are all the junkies?" "Junkers," she corrected. "They don't come near this place and when they do, it's only in the night." "Won't I be recognized as human here?" "Activate your disguise." "My what?" My mother rolled her optics and pressed the side of my skull that was on my choker twice. I had a robotic right arm and leg. I wore a gas mask and a large dark dusty brown jacket. "Now I am going to transform into your hoverboard. Keep your eyes open because I am almost certain the hunter is here." I gulped. "Don't worry. We are looking for a Cyborg who goes by The Transporter." "What's his real name and why are we looking for him?" "He knows things others don't. His real name is Jeremiah. I'll keep in link with you."
As we reached the wall and bridge, two giant Androids stood by it. They looked at me and scanned me. "Identification: Unknown. Record: unknown. Files: unknown." I gulped slightly. "State business." "None knows of greener pastures said curiosity." I repeated what mother said and they moved aside. I walked past them and across the bridge into the Commoners District. Mostly androids walked the streets and a few cyborgs. The cyborgs were barely human. 90% of their body was mechanic. I kept my cool and walked around the area like anyone else would but they still starred at me. "Why are they starting at me," I whispered. "You are new around here so they are curious."
"Hey you!" I looked across the street and saw three cyborg males maybe my age walk towards me. "Who do you think you are walking in our city." The obvious leader was tall and had spiky blonde and red tipped hair. Both his legs and half of his torso was mechanic while his two buddies were all mechanic accept their heads and maybe an arm or leg. "Do not engage." "Is there a problem?" "Yeah! You haven't paid the tax for walking these here streets mate." "I have no money." "Your gun will do quite nicely." I wasn't about to give them my gun. My mother senses my stress levels rising. "Ask about the Transporter." "Why are you guys still living here. I thought someone here could take you somewhere better." "You mean The Transporter? Ha! He hasn't taken anybody anywhere in years. Besides, who would want to join those stinkin bloody rebels anyways?" "What rebels?" "Are you daft mate? There is a group of people who call themselves the resistance. They take any human and android willing to fight. Androids not so much. Oi that's enough! Where's me payment!" He pointed a gun at my head.
The last thing I wanted to do was draw attention but that's exactly what I ended up doing. "You may as well fight them." I sighed. "I really wanted to avoid this boys." I back-handed the gun away from me as he pulled the trigger. The loud gun sound took the hearing in my left ear but I still went it. I jumped into the air and kicked the leader in his face. As his two goons attempted taking out their guns, I incapacitated them. I took out my hand gun and cocked it back and aimed it at the leader's head before he could stand up. "Where is The Transporter," I said between gritted teeth. His hands went up in surrender. "He lives where the mall used to be." "I don't know where that is." I pressed the top of my gun against his temple. "Fine fine! I'll even take you to him! Please don't shoot." "That's more like it." I turned towards the group of androids and cyborgs watching. "What are you looking at," I yelled in annoyance. They quickly went about their business. I confiscated the three boy's guns and took them to a gunsmith to get some currency just in case. The amount of all their weapons gave me 100 Units (200$/€178) {I think that's right for the Euro}. The guy took me to this old crumbled place that was the source of the loud music. Androids and Cyborg women dressed in skimpy outfits walked around. "How classy, he owns a brothel..." I followed the guy into the place and what I saw was crazy.

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