Ch. 11

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Author note: I wrote all these past few chapters just in case I can't this week. Want to give a shout out to the these three individuals for enjoying this story and being on my notifications.

I woke up to annoying beeping sound. I felt someone gently shaking me and I opened my eyes halfway. "What time is it?" My voice was groggy. "6 AM." "Why are we getting up so early?" "Do you want to be the last ones in the showers with cold water?" Hearing the word shower woke me up straight away. I vividly remember my last one and how glamorous it felt even if it was dilapidated. I took my clothes and followed her to what were the showers. It was a good distance and a few others were walking with us. The tile felt cold under my bare feet until we made it to the showers. The room was very large but the roof wasn't very high. 7 feet max. The tile was rigid so as not to slip and fall. Long rows of shower heads suspended by metal tubes were sectioned in areas of two with curtains so as to give privacy. We took off our clothes and put them along the several empty benches that circled the room. We were given a small bar (hotel size) of soap that was used for our body and hair. I cleaned every inch of my body and rinsed off. I quickly dried my body off and watched Tessa come out of the mist. You wouldn't think she had such a nice body underneath her clothes. "Starring isn't nice," she joked. I blushed in embarrassment and turned back to my clothes. "So why does everyone where those jumpsuits?" I finished putting on my casual attire and my collar. "To show unity among us. Fighters make the exception because it hinders their fighting skills." I had to agree to that.
We walked down another hallway that branched off of the showers and it was the just a bunch a bunch of sinks. Plain plastic tooth brushes were on a conveyor belt along with a small squirt of toothpaste and a small cup of mouthwash. I took all three and began to brush my teeth. They weren't very white due to the fact I never used toothpaste. I spit and rinse with the water and then use the mouthwash, gurgling to the very back of my throat before spewing it out into the sink to only risen again. "Here." Tessa handed me a comb and pointed towards my hair. I looked back into the mirror and noticed how messy it was. I brushed through the tangles till it was all nice. "I guess it's easy having short hair huh," she said. "Easy for you to say, half your hair is gone." Tessa laughed and shrugged. "Our next stop?" "Cafeteria. Lines should be forming now so let's go. I even know a shortcut." I smiled with excitement. "Shortcuts are always fun!" We ran to the spiraling stairs and she gripped the long steel cable that was hanging in the middle. She used it and slid all the way down. I did the same and compared it that that of maybe a 5 story building. Quite the trip. We jogged to the mess hall and managed to skip all the uneeded lines. I watched as Tessa nodded at the cook and the cook gave her a more tastier looking meal. "Same with my friend deary." The cook nodded and gave me the same. "Thank you." "No, thank you." I took the thanks and my food and went off. We sat at a nicer table and chatted. "So how did you get this nicer food?" "We help each other out. He has insomnia so it return for me giving him plants and herbal teas to help him sleep, he cooks breakfast, lunch, a dinner for me. He actually used to be a popular chef. "The food speaks for itself. It's delicious." I chewed my meal down before putting my trey away along with hers. "I don't know why he said thanks to me though." "He had been having trouble with one of the fighters and well you solved it yesterday. How it works here is if you help people, people help you. Help only if I could be beneficial." "So you are telling all of this to me because you want something right?" "Nothing major but it would help me big time." "What is it?" "Only fighters are allowed outside. I need several smooth medium sized rocks from a stream. I'm sure you seen it right?" I backtracked and nodded. Not to very far from the well was a large stream. Tessa gave me a potato sack and I smiled a bit. Oh memories.
I walked towards the fighters hall and wasn't surprised to see no one but 6 in there. He was shining all of his returned weapons. "I no longer feel naked," he said. "I kinda liked you naked. I had to save your ass all the time." He put his gun down and grabbed me, flipping over his back. "Uh huh sure. Take into consideration I haven't eaten since I first saw you." "I'm guessing you have eaten?" "Oh yeah." I moved a bit so I was more comfy. "I have a mission from my roommate." "Petty..." I rolled my eyes at his comment. "She gave me some helpful information out of it." "What is it," he said in a flat voice. "I gotta get some smooth rocks from the stream we passed and put it in this potato sack that has yet to be fiddled on by yours truly." 6 chuckled and sat me down. "And what was the interesting information?" "Help people and you get helped. I got a great meal out of it." "Same. Everyone else was getting nasty ass slop." "See?" He nodded. Fighters started coming in all groggily and tired. They didn't even attention to us. I didn't care right now only because I was talking with 6. "So what do you want to do with them?" 6 shrugged and called Mohawk over. "What do you do here normally?" "Work out and train." "When do you go outside?" "We haven't done that in a while after Reyis got hurt." My jaw almost dropped. "How long ago was that." Mohawk gulped. "About 8 months ago." "THATS IT!!"
6 took a step back and watched in amusement as Al-X made them get into a single straight file line. "Who is Reyis?" A tall muscular guy stepped forward. 6 didn't recognize him from yesterday and neither did Al-X. "How did you get hurt?" "I was shot in the arm by an android." "Petty excuse." "I almost-" Al-X shut him up quickly. "Died? You don't die by a shot in the arm. Do you have any idea how many times I got shot at by this guy?" Al-X pointed behind her towards 6 and he nodded. "I wanted her dead," 6 said. "Then how are you guys?" "You either learn to hunt or be hunted. I had a change of heart so now I protect her."
They were confused so Al-X told 6 to be quiet. "What is the closest city?" "20 miles away from her ma'am." Al-X nodded. "Say whatever prayers you must and suit up. Meet me in the carrier in exactly 20 minutes. Whoever isn't there when we take off, find yourself a jumpsuit because you won't be a fighter anymore."
Al-X watched as the fighters scrambled about the area. She turned towards 6 and let out a deep irritated breathe. "You look sexy when your pissed." "You say that till your the one dead on the ground." "And I'll still be watching wherever I am, commenting on how sexy you look." Al-X couldn't help but smile and push him but he grabbed her and pulled her in close. He leaned his helm against her forehead. "Try not to kill them okay?" "You'll most likely kill them remember." "I only protect you and if you protect them then I guess I have too as well." Al-X closed her eyes for a bit and let this rare occurrence happen before ending it and heading out the door.

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