Ch. 6

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      I sat there in a frozen state, curiosity and fear boiling inside me. What is he? He can't be an android I was sure of it but... Was I ? Why Does he want me to take off his helmate? I tapped my foot in frustration. I could feel that he was smirking at me if he could. "Why do they call you 6?" He leaned back against the wall. "If I got a chair, I'll tell you my sunny warm life." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm but got him a chair none the less.
"I am the 6th bounty hunter. The 53 is how many confirmed human kills." My stomach dropped slightly. He must have noticed because he chuckled. "And cyborgs don't count." "Why?" He leaned forwards on his knees. "It's either hunt or be hunted. I think I taught you that. Impressive little organic you've become. Most interesting kill yet." "I'm not dead." "You don't say... Otherwise we wouldn't be talking." "Why do you have a bounty on your head?"
He was quiet. He sat back up straight and didn't say anything. "I am out of date." His voice was very low and quiet. I leaned in closer in hopes to hear him better. "Killing you proves that I am still useful ultimately prolonging my life." "What rules did you break?" "I stole these guns and ammunition and other supplies. I changed documents to where no other bounty hunter would track you." "Your bounty is pretty high." He let out a sigh and nodded. "50,000 Units." "I have information. I have the information needed to hack into every piece of technology they own." I smirked. "Then we turn you in a profit." He laughed. "Sorry darling but they want your head as well. You turning me in kills you and every life in this shit shack of a city. You really want talk that death on your hands?" I sighed and got up. "We will continue this tomorrow, Jeremiah you can give him the serum." The man came out of the shadows and nodded. I walked to my room and went to bed.
To escape detection, we had to move to a new building. We were all in a large room including 6. That's what we decided to call him. I was eating breakfast when 6 woke up. We groaned and tried to stretch but his restraints hindered him from doing so. "You are going to tell us everything or I am going to give you a dose of this." Jeremiah held up a gas bottle with green liquid. "Isn't that what I was given the other day," I asked. "This is different dear. The one from the other day had an added ingredient which put you in a state of euphoria. Without it, you hallucinate your worst fears and experience extreme pain." He smiled proudly. "I'm immune to every known gas and poison combined old man." Jeremiah bent down and smiled. "I made it myself. Try me." He sprayed the toxin and 6 was imeddiatrly pushed back by it. "Oh that smells horrid!"
We watched as the bounty hunter became very paranoid. He jumped up and started trying to break free. Everyone stepped back and held up a gun but me. I was mortified. I couldn't watch anymore and asked Jeremiah for the cure. He handed me a small spray bottle with clear liquid. I quickly went to 6 and sprayed the substance. He tripped me out of fear before he too fell to his knees. His head fell onto my shoulder as I felt him breathing heavily. For once I actually felt bad for him. He breathed out near incoherent words. "What did you say," Jeremiah asked. "No. More." He lost all breath and strength. I was frozen. I wanted to move but at the same time didn't. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up. They belonged to my mother. "C'mon sweetie, we need to leave Jeremiah to his work." I refused to look away. I couldn't I didn't want to. The hunter looked up at me as well and tried moving forward but couldn't.
Several hours had passed when Jeremiah came to us. "As soon as my friend's get here, we will be leaving." He eyed me and almost read my mind. "Yes we are bringing the hunter. He knows to much and he can be useful." For some reason I felt relieved. I had to clear my mind. "I'm going for a walk." Before I left the room, Jeremiah put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a look. I nodded and we went our ways. As I walked to my room I heard my mother ask what it was that we did and him just chuckle. I got dressed into my disguise and jumped out the window. I climbed the building's old water pipe to the roof. I needed to do some running. I took off into a random direction and just began running.
The felt sweaty and uncomfortable. "Damn disguise... Mother fricken, there!" I was no longer wearing the disguise and now I was in my normal tank top, camos, and boots. Me and Jeremiah worked out so that my tank is my casual while his version is my light armor for stealth and all that. I was about to run my fingers through my hair when I remembered that I barely had any. Damn... Now I could feel the heat of the sun on my skin and the wind blowing what little hair I had back. I front flipped onto another building and did several cart wheels till the next building. I jumped onto a fire escape ladder and rode it down till I hit the ground. I took a deep breathe and continued running till I hit the super market. I didn't care so I went straight towards a food stand.
I laid ontop of a roof behind some shade as I drank water and ate something called a peach. It was really good and sweet. "Time to start heading back." I sighed and got up, stretching the muscles in my body before starting up my run again.
I came in through the window again and started packing. After I finished, I walked into the main room where I thought everyone was. I opened the door and almost gasped. 6 laid in the far corner unmoving. I dropped my stuff and run to him. I got on my knees and started shaking him. "6?" He jerked and suddenly grabbed me with his arms. Not even a word escaped my lips before he had me up on the wall by my neck. "I got you," he said maliciously.
Fear and pain shot through my body as tears started strolling down my face. "You are the reason why I am going to die. They are searching for me now." "What," I managed to say. "They doubled my bounty and erased yours. You don't exist to them now!" He pressed harder against my neck. I tried loosening his grip. I was losing oxygen to my brain fast. "Please... Stop." A tear rolled of my nose and onto his helmate. He didn't move for a while. Suddenly he dropped me to the ground as he fell to his knees. He looked straight ahead, unmoving. I scrambled away and was almost to the door when I stopped and looked at him.
I crawled back in front of him and sat on my knees. He looked down at me before burying his helm into my shoulder. Everything was still. All I heard was the sound of his muffled sniffles from inside his helmet. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him the best I could in attempt to comfort him. "Why," he asked softly. "Why what?" "You've let a monster in..." His words hit me hard. I did. Why was I helping him? A ruthless killer... "I don't know. And so the lion fell in love with the sheep." His body went rigid suddenly before he hugged me. I was caught off guard.
"Ya'll got one fucked up relationship." We both looked and saw Jeremiah standing there smirking. "C'mon save that for later. We gotta get going." I blushed 50 shades of red and looked away. When 6 turned back he snickered abit. "Hey! Shut up!" This made him outright laugh. I rolled my eyes and got up to grab my things.
We all sat in a military truck as we left the commoners district and into open sandy country. Naturally 6 was tied up and knocked out for safety precautions. I looked at the three others in the car. A cyborg woman, her all human kid, and a big guy with half his body mechanized. "Get some rest Hun, we have a long trip." I have to keep watch, I said. I was sitting on the ground looking out the truck for anyone following us. Of course this was just an excuse to be near 6 but why not kill two birds with one stone.

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