Ch. 12

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     Al-X watched as her team assembled and headed into the large helicopter. Al-X sat next to 6 and leaned her head on his shoulder. She wanted to prove to these people how the outside can be dangerous but you can survive if you know how. After an hour of flying, they came across a burnt city (picture reference is above) luckily it was still mostly intact to go scavenging. The heli landed on an isolated building so it could stay hidden. They headed out and went for cover.  "Okay name of the game is we scavenge. anything you can find that can be useful. That includes soap, flashlights, oil, anything. We search in groups of two. I want long range and short range together  so as to keep you guys safer. Try not to die and if you do find yourself in a pinch, here." 6 handed them all a small button. "It notifies the people closest to your area. They we come help you. Now let's go!" Al-X and 6 went together in search for stuff as well.
     We walked down the street and looked at the names of the places. After 10 minutes of searching, I found a promising place. It read Dollar General. While 6 looked ahead, I went into the store. The place was pretty intact. I grabbed the plastic bags and started going down the aisles. I grabbed several bottles of tooth paste, and deodorant. I found a bunch of food that read beef jerky and got all of that too. I looked through the toy aisle and thought about all the kids I saw. There was quite a few and with babies being born, they needed something to play with. I sat my bag on the ground and put all the toothpaste and deodorant inside and used the bags to fill it up with stuffed animals, diapers, toys, and kid books. I smiled and ran out the store to find 6 just up ahead coming out with ropes and other gear. "Why Al-X?" "The fighters are renounly disliked by everyone. I am fixing that." "With toys?" "Kids love toys. Babies loves toys. People love babies. People with love us." 6 sighed and went about searching. I stuffed the stuff into my bag and tried to catch up. We climbed up some rubble and slid down into a large store filled with motorcycles. 6 instantly fell in love. Most of them were trashed due to the rubble but the one he eyes eyeing seemed intact. "Help me get this beauty." "Why?" "This will make our trip easier. This motorcycle runs as fast as it is silent. The first silent motorcycle. Yeah it's out of date but it's better than walking mile after mile." I sighed and Finnaly agreed to help him. As soon as we started getting it out the store, our button was buzzing like crazy. In the distance I could hear screams and gunshots. "I got it," I said as 6 continued pusjinging the bike. I transformed into my suit and jumped high into the air. I effortlessly climbed the walls and dashed to the source of commotion. It was inside a building they were surrounded by several Junkers. I front flipped through the window and turned on my magnetic thrusters. Like a magnet, I was drawn to the nearest metal android and I rammed its helm into the concrete floor, smashing it. "Fight back damnit!"
     Mohawk pulled out his gun and started shooting them while bald chick went in with me and starting hands on fighting them. I shot the Junkers close up and far away but man they just kept coming. I decided to pull out my swords but one managed to slash my arm real good. I cursed out loud as I kicked the piece of trash in front of Mohawk's line of fire. I pulled out one sword and began slashing and hacking the rest in a blind range. Metal slicing metal, gunshots ringing in your ears, and the sound of metal breaking unde pressure. After we finished, I sheathed my sword and put my guns back in their proper holsters, completely ignoring my bleeding arm. "You are bleeding really badly," Mohawk said. "Great observation." I acted as if it didn't hurt much but it hurt like hell. "Sometimes you get hurt but that doesn't mean you give up. C'mon we are wasting daylight." "We aren't going back home?" "That's not home, this is home. Other things just live in it now." Al- X crushed the head of a junket than was just barely online. "We go back at sunset... If we have all the items we need. If we don't, we are spending the night here looking for it." I left them to theirselves and went back to 6 who Finnaly got his motorcycle out. "You got cut pretty badly," he said nonchalantly. "Thankyou Captain Obvious." He pulled out the medic kit and pulled me towards him. My back was pressed against his chest as he ordered I stretch my arm out. I did so and he poured rubbing alcohol over it. Before I could scream, he put his free hand in my mouth to stifle them and allow me to bite it. After that, he rubbed some cream on it to stop the bleeding and then wrapped my arm in some gauze. "I am kinda hungry, want to eat some lunch?" "How long has it been?" "Well it is 2." "Already?" "Yeah." "Eh let's call them a little later, I want some peace and quiet y'know." He nodded and agreed. He revved his motorcycle and I got on behind him. He was right about it being silent.
      Me and 6 sat on top of a nearby roof under the shade as we ate some food 6 found a bag of twinkies and several bags of bottled water. We ate some jerky and twinkies and just enjoyed each other's company for an hour before we called everyone else back. Good thing 6 and I found and brought back food and water because our group didn't.  As our group thankfully ate the food and drink provided, me and 6 looked at what they all scavenged. Lots of toilet paper, paper, soap, and medical supplies. I was surprised with the medical supplies. I asked who found it. "We came across a Pharmacy and stuffed as many containers and ointments and stuff into our bags."
    "Well everyone today was a good day of scavenging with only minor injuries. Every week once a week we will be coming out here and scouting more and more of this city till we know it like the back of our hands. We should be home by the time dinner is ready." Everyone cheered and we piled into the heli. Sadly 6 had to leave his motorcycle.
     We made it with  an hour to spare for dinner which meant it was 8 PM. Instead of going to the base, I took a quick pit stop by the stream and had everyone pitch in to find one medium sized smooth rock. Within 5 minutes my mission was completed with the help of the group. Once we landed, I had everyone followe me into the fighters hall. "Now everyone, today was the start of a new leaf. Not only our attitudes but the way we fight shall be changed and refined. This is your last chance to back out if you wish. I shall not hold it against you." I wanted a good minute but no one left. "Good. Now to help with fixing our reputation, I want all of you to go take a shower and come back here. I already have clothes waiting for you in the showering room. 30 minutes now step to it!"
    Everyone was back in the room with annoyed looks on their faces they were wearing dark red jumpsuits with bright silvery trim. They looked rather nice in them. "From now on everyone will be wearing these suits until the nicer ones come in. Of course this is only for casual wear such as for lunch and socializing." "Why though? We like wearing being different," said the bald chick. "That's what almost got you killed. You didn't work to each other's strengths. I am teaching you unity. Now I have asked that every child assemble in the main room. Your task is to hand out these toys to them. Smile and play out a loving role. Humble yourselves a bit." I tossed them the giant bag and watched them walk out the room together. "C'mon 6, your turn." "What?" "We are going to the baby room." 6 sighed and followed.
     I smiled and handed the boxes to the caregivers. 6 gave small blankets to the mothers and actually made small talk. After that, we quickly went to see how our group was doing and I was impressed. Little kids were playing with toys as the mothers talked and thanked them. After all the toys were handed out and dinner started, I urged them to sit with other groups and talk. I was quite happy with all the work done today. I went to my room and saw Tessa sitting in her bed smirking. "Look at you making waves around here, soon you everyone will be owing you stuff." "I didn't do it for that. I did it to better the fighters." "Even if that's it, it'll still happen. Look at all the stuff that got sent. Nice pillows, blankets, food, medicine, etc. "you give and you receive." "Speaking of which, here are your smooth rocks." Tessa's smile widened as she thanked me and took her smooth rocks. "Enjoy your 5 star meal honey, I have some botanical stuff that still needs to be done now that I have my rocks." "Have fun." "Always do." With that she left and I began switching out the pillows and blankets. I gave the extras to Tessa as I'm sure she may want them and ate my yummy meal. What a day.

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