Ch. 5

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   Different colored lights lit the area up as smoke and fog from machines filled the large area. Music so loud it almost hurt. The ground was covered in different colors and patterns of rugs. Android and Cyborg alike danced. It was getting hard to see so I took off my mask. The smell hit me like a blast. I grabbed onto the guy who was leading me. "First time huh," he said smirking. "Heavy traces of toxins are in this air. Al-X? Al-X!"
    My eye sight was playing tricks on me. What was happening? "Ma'am would you like a drink?" I turned and saw and android waiter putting a cup of glowing green liquid into my hands. I still hung to the guy as he urged me to drink it. The beat of the music was sinking into my body but the lights hurt my eyes. He pulled me closer to him and brought the liquid to my lips. "It will help you if you drink this," he said while pressing his lips against my ear. I heard a small voice tell me not too but I did anyways. As soon as it touched my lips, I felt by body relax. The liquid was sweet and silky.
    My eyes no longer hurt but my perception was off. I held on tighter to the guy because I was afraid if I wouldn't, I would fall. "I have you honey," he whispered into my ear. Everyone and everything moved in some rhythm. I could hear people talking. They were talking about me. I couldn't see them but I could hear them. "Look at that weird girl, she isn't dancing." "I wonder if she can even say her name." They started laughing. I looked up and ran into a pair of lips.
     His lips were all I could feel. He pulled me closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He whispered sweet things into my ear as I felt his hands move slowly up my body. Something kept saying no but the rest of me said yes. I felt myself move my hips to the rhythm. I moved behind him and pressed against him. "Does someone want to dance? Let's dance then." The fog filled the room, making the laser lights show through. When the beat dropped, I dropped with it and slowly rose back up.
     I felt an someone grab my hard with force and yank me. I looked up and saw the hunter. "I Finnaly caught you," he said in a husky voice. The affects of the drink were wearing off and I tried pushing him away but to no avail. He stopped my attempts by pushing me into a wall. My head began to hurt and my vision blur I reached for my gun but it wasn't there. Neither was mother! Fear really started to sink in. No one noticed either. "Let me go," I managed to scream out. He pinned me and forcefully shoved the same green liquid I was given before down my throat. "No!" Tears were rolling down my face as I was losing my grasp on reality.
       I wake up in a brightly lit room on a dirty couch. Immediately I stand up but instantly regret it as I fall back down. The headache I have is crazy bad and I notice I am just in my usual clothes. I look across the room and see that my hunter is passed out and tied up tight. "Glad to see you are awake." The voice belonged to mother. Tears roll down my face as I reach up and hug her. "I was so scared." "I know you were, I'm just glad I managed to find you before he could do any more damage." She gave me an two misshapen things. One was red and plump, the other was yellow and curved. "They are called fruit," said an unfamiliar voice. I looked up to see an old man with symbiotic legs and an eye (imagine Morgan Freeman). "You peel the yellow banana and eat the inside. The other red fruit you can eat the skin." I nodded and started eating the apple. It was sweet and juicy. When I finished both fruits, I asked if there was any way to clean my clothes. "Honey, your clothes aren't the only things that need cleaning." "Oh! Al-X this is The Transporter. Jeremiah, this is her." The man known as Jeremiah smiled and nodded. "Looks just like your mother honey." Jeremiah turned to his left and called for a maid. A thin black 5 ft tall robot rolled in and asked for me to follow it. I followed the robot down the hall into a restroom. "I. Will. Fetch. New. Clothes. While. Current. Clothes. Clean." "Thank you," I said sweetly. It turned around with my clothes and rolled away.
     I stood under the running water and marveled at how amazing it felt. This is way nicer than standing under the grates while in the sewer. This water was actually hot. I looked at the small containers that were beside me that read what they were. I grabbed the body wash and poured some on my hands and then rubbed it all over me. I grabbed a fluffy thing that said to scrub my body with. I watched as year's of filth and dirt washed down the drain.
    Once I stepped out, I almost screamed as several robots stood at the door as well as my mother. "What are they doing?" "They are hear to clean you up properly. Let them do their job." I shrugged. "Okay which one you want to go first?" I was dragged outside with my towel still on and they just began their jobs. My teeth were brushed, my nails were trimmed and cleaned, my hair was 'properly' washed and cut super short, my health and such was checked, and I was given new clothes. I asked for my old clothes when Jeremiah walked in. "Sorry honey but it just wouldn't do so think of this as an upgrade. Your armor hasn't changed just this." Dark green heavy duty pants, military boots, and a grey light chest armor, and a fur lined cloak. I pressed the same choker and my suit appeared. The color scheme was now black, dark blue, and grey with a few added things. My shoulders down my arms had titanium plating and I now had a scarf like cloak. My helmate was all black accept for the glowing red visor.
    "Sweet upgrades but what do we do now?" "We go to the resistance. They will let you in without a doubt but I have some friends who aren't so lucky. I take you and you have to vouch for us." I looked at my mother for answers and she nodded. "Alright you have a deal. Now what are you going to do with bounty guy?" "His indentification is just 6. He is actually wanted for quite a bit." "What?" Jeremiah nodded. "Oh yes. You see he has gone to some major lengths to keep track of you."
    It was late now as I sat on the couch I had waken up from. Across from me was my assailant. He was tied up really tight with all his weapons confiscated. He started to stir and my heart started pounding. I took a deep breath in and let it out. I was safe here. I stood up and pulled the gun from my pocket and pulled up a chair in front of him. I sat down and aimed it at him. He tried moving his arms but couldn't. That's when he really woke up.
     The only light in the room was an old lightbulb that hung from the ceiling. You could still hear the music from downstairs but it was muffled. The only other sound in the room was my foot lightly tapping the ground. We didn't talk or move, all we did was look at each other. After several minutes of silence, he Finnaly broke it with a small fit of giggling. "What's so funny?" After he finished laughing, his voice got more sinister as he sat up and leaned towards me. "Just the situation. You couldn't have made it more easier for me." "Last time I checked, you were the one tied up." He shrugged. "Minor set back but it just adds to the fun." "Why are you so obsessed with capturing me?" He jumped up and tried coming towards me but stopped when my gun was pointed at his head. "Go ahead darling." "Answer my question."
     No one moved or talked for another several minutes. "You aren't an android are you..." I got no response so I continued. "You broke rules and protocols that a government android would not. You are made to have no fear but just the other day you hesitated because you didn't want to die. "Well aren't you observant," he Finnaly said. "How about you find out for yourself."

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