Ch 13 (final)

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Update: Last chapter of my book. I'm thinking on making book two. Comments needed if I should

3 months of doing selfless jobs had taken its toll on 6. He wasn't meant for this. He was trained as a ruthless bounty hunter. The epitome of heartless and lethal. Yet here he was doing minuscule odd jobs. The only thing that kept him from exploding was Al-X's safety and happiness. So much has changed for him. He considered the idea of just leaving but what would Al-X think? Two voices battled inside of him.
Does it really matter? She doesn't care about you.
But what she said, his other voice contradicted. "So the lion fell in love with the sheep."
Just leave and see if anyone notices. No one actually cares. It's Al-X they love not you.
She cares.
Does she? You did try to kill her. Don't you think she is merely trying to keep herself alive and you under a leash?
She cares.
She doesn't.

It was 4 in the morning and everything was still and quiet. 6 stood at the open heli pad that was carved into the mountain. Infront of him was miles and miles of desert. He could see a glimpse of the sun on the horizon. He felt to pampered here. He had to go. "Leaving so soon?" 6 turned toward the cyborg woman. "Funny how just 2 months ago we were in this same spot getting judged," 6 replied. The sun's rays of light refracted off of  his armor and helm, giving him a darker appearance. He turned back towards the desert and looked at the cable wire. "Wanna tell me why," she asked. Her tone hinted fear. She heard him let out a sigh from the inside of his helmet. He took it off and held it at his side.
    Messy curly black hair was tied back into a bun, his skin was that of a porcelain doll, his eyes bluer than the prettiest sky. Again he faced the woman. The sides of his lips turned upwards in a small smile. "You should know... Mom." The woman nodded, tears in her eye. "So what gave it away," she asked in an attempt to recompose herself. "The fact you aren't denying it. You assume I'm your son though." "A mother always knows. You have a red splotch on your left calf, old hymns seem the calm your nerves, and seeing your face is all I need." She took a deep breath before continuing. "You look like your father." Again 6 heard the inner voices pick up conversation again but he tried drowning them out. "What was my name?" His voice was monotone and low yet revealed traces of curiosity. "Shaun." "And my... Dad?" "Nate." 6 nodded, feeling a weight off his chest. "Thanks... For what you did." 6 put his helmet back on and grabbed the iron cable. "Travel west. About 100 miles out is a small traders hub. Mostly farmers and traders." 6 nodded and without another word departed.

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