Chapter 3

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Recap (mostly for me): Al-X is the last organic in a world run by androids. Within hours of sugaring from her sewer home, she is recognized as human by a bounty hunter. This bounty hunter will stop at nothing to win her head. Al-X must learn to become a predator or die as someone's prey.  (Been so long I hope this is alright)

     I walked beside my newly built mother for support. I just couldn't stop smiling. I was really happy she could move around freely. She stopped and started looking around. I stopped as well and began to listen for the slightest noise. "Must have been a glitch in my processor." She turned towards me and tapped her left shoulder panel twice. "Does it fit alright?" "It's a little loose I think." I could tell what was going on. Something was up and she was being careful. She nodded and tapped it again but three times. This meant to run. As she transformed into a hoverboard my suit was forming on me. By the time I moved, I just barely missed a bullet. "Shit!" I grabbed my mom and pressed a button on my board causing the thrusters to kick in.
      The bounty hunter dropped from the rafters and landed on his feet. "Quick little thing aren't you..." He strapped his gun to his back and tapped his boots together. Thin black hoverboard manifested under him. The board was wired into his mind so it performed by thought. The board lifted off the ground and began to move through the air super fast. He kept on Al-X's tail as she flew down the streets. Every corner she turned he turned just as quickly. He had spent the entire time memorizing this out of date area till he knew it like the back of his hand. 

    "He is gaining speed," I said with edge in my voice. I saw the city limit up ahead. A long time ago an earthquake cause the downtown area to sink a total of 700 feet. It was a small cliff. All that remains is crumbled skyscrapers and destroyed buildings. "You sure?" I nodded. "I can only hover 50 feet." "Whatever it takes." I felt my board shiver as if she was gulping. "I need you to go into hyper drive when I say." "Alright." I took a hard right turn and up a car ramp. It just barely hung off the cliff by 20 or so feet.

     The bounty hunter knew what his target was about to do. He didn't like it but he knew. "As long as I have your head intact, I don't care about the rest of your splattered body!" He was gaining speed till suddenly a bunch of gas was blocking his vision. Al-X hyper dived off the cliff. The bounty hunter skid to a halt to watch what would happen. He thought about pulling out his gun but he didn't want to waste a bullet on a deadman.

     As I plummeted towards the bottom I felt the gust of wind blow hard. "Now!" As the board hooked to her shoes, she threw her arms open revealing a bright grey fabric. It was the same material used for paragliding. The wind hit the wings and lifted her higher in the air. It was man made and old so it wasn't very good but it worked. Al-X kept her eyes on a building that was not destroyed and had a nice large roof. I heard a loud gun shot and glided left. "He's still trying!" "We will lose him. This is wasteland for androids." "Why?" "They cannot recharge." "What!?" Another gun shot. This one barely skidded my leg but the armor absorbed the damage. I caught my breath in my throat as I made a rocky decent down to my destination. "It's nearly impossible to get back up ask so unless help comes." "And we don't want that 'help'."

She was going to land onto the open stretch of roof and escape. The bounty hunter knew once she hit ground she would disappear so he had to make a choice. He groaned and ran off the side as well. His boot thrusters kicked in, giving him more leverage. The board he had materialized around his arms and made a cloth material as well. His thrusters made him glide a little faster. "You aren't losing me that easily," he yelled towards his target. "You aren't catching me that easy," he heard her say back." His metal lips formed a smirk and chuckled a bit. She hit the ground and rolled before backflip ping off the other side of the building. He cursed under his breath as he was til in the air. He kicked his thrusters on full blast and rocketed down towards the building.

     I rolled off the side and used my hover board to sink down. The last 10 feet I moved the hoverboard so I could land with my feet. I scanned the area in hopes to find a place to crawl into and disappear. I ran and jumped onto the rubble of the building next to the intact one and began going through it. I jumped through some glass when I heard the hunter Finnaly land with a loud thud. "Go up to your left and crawl inbetween the two steel beams" She used our com link. I obeyed and climbed up a pillar and behind a large piece of wall were two beams. I crawled into the opening. It was an old elevator shaft. The long cable still hung there. I grabbed the wire and slid down in into the dark below.  My mom transformed into herself again and turned on her lights. Part of her body was still hoverboard so I could step onto her to eliminate any more sound. She opened the doors of the lowest floor and we went in. It dark and wet. "This looks creepy let's not," I said. "Shush, keep your gun ready." I made a small whining mewl and cocked my gun. I turned on my night vision just in case. "What is this place?"

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