Ch. 7

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Faded broken pictures swirled in and out of my mind. Distant flashes of bright lights and loud noises echoed like a brick dropping in an empty warehouse.
A little boy around the age of 5 getting carried away from a crying woman and a man trying to pick her up.
A young boy around the age of 9 flipping a teenager over of her back and slicing her neck.
The boy now 15, aiming his pistol at an elderly disabled man... and pulling the trigger.
He is a hunter. A killer for the government. All emotions stripped away.
It took me awhile to realize these were my memories. How I was saved from the filth and raised as a pure. I remember the constant needles and tubes connected to me, my classmates I grew up with and eventually killed, my higher ups telling me I was special.
These older memories hit me like brick wall. What was this I was feeling? I then remembered these past few days and what transpired. A human woman. Al-X. Invisible to everything but me. Another payload.
Another payload.
Another payload.
Another Payload!
That was all I thought about at first but she was slippery. Nothing slipped away from me. I talked to my superiors and told reported what happened. after much thought, they decided it was best to have a more upgraded hunter take care of the situation. For the first time I felt anger. This was my mission and they were giving it to an android.
The first time I betrayed my superiors. I broke into the weapon and armor units. I changed the plans and burned the lists that contained this invisible woman. I remember scouting the entire area above ground and prowling the area relentlessly in hopes of catching her. A week passed by before she did come out. I remember watching her and another android walking into an old building.
I watched in curiosity as she actually fixed this android. The feelings she felt for this android was like a hunter to their gun.
My memory flashed and went to the commoners district. I was searching for her inside a drugged party. I found her dancing with an android and their lips touched. The first time I felt a mixture between anger and something else. I didn't like it. I grabbed her and pulled her aside and slammed her against a wall. "I finally caught you," I said to her. She was intoxicated but the affects were wearing off. She was stronger than she looked. I was dangerously weak after several days of not eating. I forced her to drink another drink. She pushed against me harder and screamed no but I won. She was drifting out when I did the same.
    A lot of things were fuzzy and distorted after that but I remember choking the woman but then stopped. I don't know what happened but I snapped and let go. She ran off as I fell to my knees. All these emotions washed through my body. I felt her physically sit in front of me. Why was she back? My body betrayed my mind and leaned against her body and latched onto her. "And so the lion fell in love with the sheep." Those words.

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