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"Let's go," I tell him. This ridiculous sense of glee is taking over me.
"You'll see."
I take his hand, hoist him up. He staggers as he finds balance.
I continue holding his hand, smiling like an idiot because of how nice it feels. When did I turn into such an idiot?

I turn. There's conflict in his eyes; hope and caution. My grip tightens. Don't worry. I'll treat you with the care you deserve.

As we stand out in the open air, a direct contrast to the closeness of his house, I focus on materializing a motorcycle made of ice.
When a "woah" escapes his mouth, I have the strongest urge to tell him I love him right here and now.
But that's going to have to wait. Until we get to the place I've got in mind.

"So... how?" We've mounted on, him leaning into me.
"How what?" I say. We're going faster than I can usually manage—his touch is enough to increase my magic tenfold.
"How..." his arms tighten around my chest. "...can this be happening?"
"What? Me taking you on a ride with a motorcycle made of ice?"
He laughs. "Jeez, you. Don't even know where you're taking me."
"Have you looked to the view yet?"
"No..." He gasps. My mouth hurts from grinning.
"Nice, right?"
I can feel his cheek resting against my back as he faces to the side. Even if he's fine on his own when it comes to danger, I have a responsibility to keep him safe—despite how much I want to drift into euphoria.
Good thing the ride's long. If it was too short, I'd have to get him to ride with me again so I can savor this once more.

"How does this work?" he says. He's making it almost impossible to focus on the road; his lips are pressed against the tip of my spine. Warmth washes away the cold with every exhale.
"Took me a while to get it down, but I just had to picture it in my head. Wheels, engine, skeleton. There's a lot more that goes into a real one, but magic cuts past all of that."
"I have no idea still, but that's great." 
Wind in our hair, lightheaded with laughter, we're nothing but free.

"Have you done this with anyone before?"
"The only other person is Juvia. But that's to be expected, right?"
His arms around me tighten harshly. My heart soars, though a flood quickly follows. What's gonna happen if we end up getting together?
I didn't want to think about the aftermath. Especially not now.

"Never mind."
"Forget I said anything."
"Tell me."
"I'll tell you when we get there."
He blows air into my skin. I chuckle at the sensation. "You haven't even told me where we're going."
"It's a surprise."
"I hate surprises."
I make sure he can hear the smile in my voice when I say, "I didn't think you hated anything but me."
"That's not true."
"I hate being motion-sick and not being able to protect the people I love."
"Anything else?"
"Not being with you."

I have to pull over to the side of the road. "What's the matter?" His eyes are like a curious owl's.
"Need to use the restroom?" I joke, wiping my face.
"No. But I'd like to hug you again."
I turn to face him, then hug him. Tighter than before.
"I meant on the motorcycle, but that works."
Stumbling back, I study the ground. "Oops." He smiles, leaning down so I can see him.
"Let's go?"
I nod. I kiss him, and have to stand my ground before he pushes me all the way over to the tree.

We're back on the road when he asks out of the blue, "Why are you doing this when all I am is a burden to you?"
My hands tighten around the handlebars. "You know that's not true." I'm trying not to let my voice break as the flickering lines divide the road.
"I don't know how you feel about me anymore."

His words are biting at me unusually hard. But all of them are true.
"Just you wait. I'll tell you soon."
"I hate all of this waiting. Can't you tell me now?"
"There's another thing you hate."
"You're really trying to keep this a secret, huh?"
"Not at all."
He flicks the back of my neck. "Hey. No distracting the driver."
"Dang it. Can't tickle you either, can I?"
"Hell no."
He sighs. "Too bad you said something. I totally would've if you didn't."
"We could've died if you did."
"Well, that wouldn't be good."
Okay. That got a smile out of me.
"But did you know?"
"I wouldn't mind putting myself in danger... if it meant I could be saved by you."

"...Gray? Gray, are you there?"
"Wha— Why are you laughing?!" He has to yell over me. 
"Fine!" He huffs. "I knew I'd regret saying something like that..."
"No, I'm glad you did." I'm only laughing because I would've passed out otherwise.
I let the ocean take up my view, trees and brush whipping past. I think about how strange it is: that no one else will ever be able to know how much he means to me. 

"Did you rehearse that? The Natsu I knew would never say such a thing." 
"I didn't. And yeah. You'll never hear me say that again."
"A one-time thing, huh? Shame."
"Idiot." He squeezes me tight.

We reach a town by the water. It's nice how I don't have to worry about docking the ride anywhere, I can just make it again. That part is usually a hassle, but it doesn't matter—I'll do anything for him.
We're wandering around, just like we did on the mission. Ha, mission. It was totally a date in disguise. It's just that neither of us knew it at the time. And hopefully he still hasn't realized yet. That's part of the surprise too. 

"Get me something," he says.
My hand rests on my hip. "Give me one good reason why I should follow through with that."
"You have to treat me well after being a meanie."
I give his hair a tousle. "I wasn't bad all the time, was I?"
He clicks his tongue. "Excuses, excuses. Now get on it and find something for me." His laughter fills the air while I sigh. 

We settle on scones. I got him three, me one.
"Let's hope we won't need a bathroom break," I say in between bites. As we make our way out the city, I watch him eat an entire scone in one go. "Correction: you." Poor thing.
"Oh yeah? And how much will you bet that we do?" 
"Nothing, because we will." I'm trying not to laugh at the mess he's making.
"The ride can't be that long, right?"
"Probably. We're getting closer, though."
"Love how much more of a clue I have about where we're going." There goes the second one. And the third. And the fourth, wait that's—
"Whatever." He licks his fingers, grinning. "You got me something good, so I'm satisfied for now."
He laughs while I stare in denial. He really is a kid, forever.
"It's resulted in you making a mess out of yourself, though. Stand still for a bit." 
I smirk as I wipe his face with my hand. He swats me away in reaction. "You just made it worse!" His tongue strains to get all the jelly. I laugh, pulling out a napkin.

"Freeze." I go in for the kill. 
"Why are you doing it for me? I'm not a baby..."
"You are."
He gives me a look as I dab his face. I grin, eyes resting on his mouth.  
"Looks like I missed a spot."
"No you—"
When I pull away, he's at a loss. But before I know it, he's closed the gap again.
"Did you want the rest? Is that what you were saying?" He's grinning, mischief glinting in his eyes. It isn't long until he leans in again. But I press a finger to his mouth before it can meet mine. Something awakens when I see his desperation. There's a different kind of hunger rising.

His cheeks puff out. "When are we gonna get there?"
"Only children nag their parents with such a question."
Several seconds later, I'm on the ground, clutching the foot he crushed.
"I thought we were on better terms," I say, wincing as I struggle to get up.
"Who said?" he says, holding out a hand. When I take it, I bring him into a hug. "Wh—"
"Sorry." My eyes close as I sink into his scarf, savoring the contrast between his warmth and the open air. I smile once I can get a glimpse of his face. I'll never, ever get tired of breaking him into a flustered mess.

"It won't take that long. We're close to the water now, so we'll get there soon."
"One hundred percent positive?"
He closes one eye as I kiss his cheek. I brush a lock of hair, only to get jam out of the strand.
"You've really made a mess," I say. He takes my hand. I let him hold it. But I falter as I feel people staring.
"Ignore them," he says. His face is wide with joy.
"We've got each other. That's all that matters."
My gaze traces his face. The difference from before is that he knows I'm watching.

His eyes meet mine. I explore them for a moment longer. My mouth becomes a grin.
"Welcome back."

He pegs my shin. "I was always here." His eyes are briefly distant for the moment that follows. "But thanks, anyway."
The motorcycle materializes before me. I swing a leg over the seat, him following suit. And we blast through the city, hollering out our throats until they're dry. Another first has been made.
Here's for another.

You Flaming Idiot, I Love You!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz