Chapter 8

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After Barry had filled Joe in on what they knew, Joe was more determined to prove that Wells killed Nora. Even though they knew they still needed evidence.

Joe and Cisco went to Barry's old house. Joe told the resident that he was looking into an old case and asked if he could look around.

Cisco set up a device that showed them images of what happened and  helped pin point blood splatters, which led them to a newly wallpapered wall.

Cisco pulled the paper off and found two sets of blood splatter, so he swabbed them.

They then met up with Captain Quentin Lance from Star City (Team Arrow), at the Place where Harrison Wells wife died. They did some digging and unearthed a corpse by the crash site.

They went back to Arrows lab for  Felicity Smoak to test the body and the blood. It was too risky going back to S. T. A. R Labs.

Once the results were in, Cisco called everyone to meet at a Jitters.

"So what did you find?." Barry asked. 

"Me and Cisco went back to your old house Barry, and collected two sets of blood samples."

"How did you find them, I mean it was a long time ago?."

"There was lightening that night from the reverse flash, which caused a lot of exposure in the room, my machine can project images, 3D images of what happened that night.."Cisco said proudly.

"Barry, do you remember telling me about that night, you said you saw red and yellow lightening. "

"yeah but nobody believed me."

Joe looked at Barry "There were two speedsters that night."

"How, is that possible."

"That's the other thing, the blood sample we took. None of them belonged to Dr Wells, which makes sense since we know that he is Eobard Thawne, but the other sample was yours Barry."

"But I didn't get hurt?."

"Its not from you as a child, its from you as an adult."

"I went back in time didn't I? , to try and stop my mums death. But it didn't work, she still died. I saw my future self fighting the reverse flash."

"Me and Joe also dug up a body, at the crash site where Dr Wells wife died. The DNA matches Dr Harrison Wells."

Everyone just sat there silent. They still can't prove anything, without sounding crazy to a judge. They would need to get a confession from Dr Wells himself. That's not going to be an easy task.

Stiles thought for a moment, "I know I'm new to this whole meta-human stuff, but something you said Cisco, about the dream you keep having, is it the same dream? ."

"Yes, same dream, why what are you thinking?."

"What if its not a dream, what if its a memory?.

"How can it be a memory, I die everytime, but yet I'm sat here alive and well?.

"Barry ran back in time, it's possible that he changed the timeline, what your experiencing, could be a memory from the original timeline."

"Is that possible?." Joe asked.

Cisco spoke then, "Actually yes I think Stiles could be on to something.

They decide that the only way to get Wells to confess to the murder of Barry’s mother is to access Cisco’s dreams/memories.

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