Chapter 2

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As soon as the dinner was finished, the Bedi's decided to take a leave, my parents cornered me.


"Wasn't he the best?"

"Mom dad, leave me alone," I murmured before leaving the hall and rushing to my room only to find my sister sitting there. I groaned, I may have escaped my parents but escaping the claws ofmy younger sister was a tough task.

"Tell me," she said as she propped on her elbows on my bed.

"Sonu, it's my bed and weren't you pissed at me?" I asked as I sat on the chair and began wiping off the make up.

"Stop being a bitch,"

"Language Sonu!" Mom reprimanded as she entered my room and after her followed my father.

"Great!" I groaned.

"His mother said that it would be better if you two met in a restaurant and spoke more freely,"

"Haha keep dreaming papa,"

"Sanju, wasn't he good?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. He was genuinely concerned and I also knew that he genuinely was trying to make me believe that there were good men in this world but every day it was just difficult.

"I don't know dad," because I really didn't know what to make of him. He did seem like a really good guy on one hand but what if it was just an act and once things moved forward, he would show his true colours?

"I think he was decent," mom said.

"Of course you would think so,"

"No darling, it's not that, I spoke to his mother and I know it's not my story to tell you but he really is so much better than the last guy," she said and I sighed.

"I don't know mom and he did seem nice but what if he's just acting decent and after marriage he'll turn out to be an ass," I said, voicing out my previous thoughts.

"Language!" Both mom and dad reprimanded. No matter how much they reprimanded my sister and I, we were just stubborn people who sometimes had a filthy mouth...

"I'm sorry," I said as I laid down on my bed.

"You'd like to meet him tomorrow?" Mom asked me softly as she took my head in her lap and weaved her fingers through my hairs. There really was no better place in the world than my mother's lap because somehow I always felt so much at ease in her lap.

"Yeah," I said and soon they left me alone.

I was sleepy but tonight I couldn't find myself to fall asleep. I stared blankly at the ceiling.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door.


"Yes dad?" I asked as I sat up. I smiled as he walked in. No matter how much he acted like a tough dad for the world, he would give his life for us. I also knew that he knew how difficult it was for me to move ahead with this new marriage proposal and that he just wanted me to be happy more than anything else.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course,"

He walked in as sat next to me. I leaned onto his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me as he ran his handthrough my hair.

"You do know we're not forcing you to do anything right?"

"Yes dad,"

"And that if you don't like this guy, we won't disown you,"

"I know dad,"

"I just want you to give him a chance okay? If you still don't like this guy, we'll not ask you to marry anyone, you can stay single forever, society be damned," he said and I just nodded my head.

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