Chapter 5

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When I heard the beeping of the machine, I knew what had happened, I felt like cringing, lying on a hospital bed. As I opened my eyes, blinking furiously to adjust to the bright lights and then I noticed my parents were sitting right next to me.

"Sanju, you scared me," dad said. He moved closer to me, taking my face in his hands as he stared at me and then wrapped his arms around me.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I found Rohan sitting in the corner of the room, staring at me intently. I immediately looked away from him, feeling guilty and uncomfortable. Guilty because I think I might have scared him and uncomfortable because he saw me in a very vulnerable situation.

"I'm sorry, I think it was the sandwich," I said, the lie easily rolling off my tongue.

"It was not and you know it very well!" Mom snapped at me. She had unshed tears in her eyes as the stared at me. I felt even more guilty now that I was staring at her. God, why was I so weak?

"Dad," I said softly, hiding my face in his shirt, as if his shirt could shield me from my mom.

"Calm down honey, she just woke up and let's go get something for her to eat okay?" He asked as he pulled mom to her feet and wrapped an arm around her before leading her to the door.

"You should have told me you were feeling uncomfortable, you shouldn't have felt obligated to accompany me," Rohan said as soon as my parents were out of the room.

"I wasn't uncomfortable," I snapped as I glared at him. I really hated being vulnerable and especially in front of him, I didn't know why though.

"Right because a sandwich led you to puking and passing out on the hospital floor? Do you know how scared I was? How you freaked out your parents? And you know what Sanjana, if you don't want to tell, then don't tell me but at least have the curtesy to not lie to me,"

"I'm sorry, I--"

"And I know those eyes okay? I'd failed to read those eyes last time because I had lost someone close to me but this time I wouldn't. I know how calculative you are, how you panic when you're surrounded only by strangers, I've noticed it, so please don't lie to me, it hurts," he said softly.

Last time? What did he mean by that?

Before I could ask the question, my parents and Sonia entered the room.

"My god you're jobless or what?" I groaned as Sonia wrapped her arms around me, somehow her hugs were just what I needed, I felt relief as she tightened her arms around me.

"Mhmm jobless for my bratty sister," she said and I smiled.

"I'm fine guys, stop fussing over it," I whined when mom started stuffing my mouth with something healthy.

"Urmm.. I need to leave, I'm so sorry but my mother just called me and she needs my help for something," Rohan said as he got up. I knew for the fact that his mom hadn't called him and he just wanted to give us space as a family.

My dad hugged Rohan and thanked him for being there for me as he led him outside.

"Ma, do you see those goo goo eyes?" Sonia said and I narrowed my eyes at her before throwing a spare pillow at her.

"Shut up," I grumbled as I laid down on the hospital bed.

"Should we continue with the engagement?" Mom asked.

"Honey, give her some rest will you?" Dad said as he walked in.

"Fine!" Mom sighed.

"But Sanju, he's a nice guy, I know it, when we reached here, he was frantic, he even threatened a doctor to sue him because he was so scared," dad said.

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