Chapter 16

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I jerked awake, gasping for breath and covered in sweat.

"Fucking hell," I whispered as I calmed my uneven breathing.

I was thankful that Rohan wasn't awake this time, I didn't want to disturb him. I got out of the bed and made my way towards the kitchen.

"Shh calm down Monu, I'm right here," Sunil's voice came from Monica's room as I heard her cry.

I could see from the room as he hugged her and she clutched his collar. A strange feeling bloomed in my heart, almost like an ache and I decided to ignore it before I decided to walk away, deciding to give them privacy.

I was drinking warm milk in the kitchen when Sunil walked inside.

"Hey," he whispered.

He sat on the kitchen stool and laid his head on the counter as he closed his eyes.

"Hey," I mumbled.

"I am a light sleeper you know,"


"And I thought I could hear two people having a nightmare tonight,"

"Warm milk helps me sleep better after a nightmare," I said as I focused on drinking the milk.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked hesitantly.

"No, but thank you for asking," I said.

I rose from my seat, washed the mug and placed it on the kitchen counter.

"You know you can trust him right?" Sunil's voice stopped me from leaving the kitchen.

"I know I can and I do," I said before leaving the kitchen.

As I walked inside the room, Rohan was up and as soon as he saw me, he sighed.

"Where did you go?"

"I just went to the kitchen, I had a nightmare so," I said as I quickly got under the covers and sighed in relief at the warmth they provided me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"It was just a memory that keeps repeating over and over again so,"

"Have you--"

"Can we talk about it some other day? I'll tell you everything one day, please not today,"

"Of course Sanjana,"

"And I'm sorry you still have to sleep on the sofa because of me,"

"Hey, don't be sorry, my back is accustomed to this sofa now,"

"Good night Rohan,"

"Night Sanjana,"


"Yes ma we'll be there, ha na don't worry," I said.


"Bye, I love you,"

"I love you too!"

I placed the phone inside my jeans pocket and walked inside Rohan's office.

"A family dinner with Shukla family, today at 8," I said.

"Okay," he said with a smile before focusing on his file.

Once it was 7, Rohan stopped by my office to inform me to pack up since the location mom had sent was a little far and with the traffic, it would take some time.

Lawfully WeddedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora