Chapter 45

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"You assholes! Come here!" Monica bursts out as soon as the court hearing is over.

"Ma'am, you--"

"Monu, shaant ho jao, they're getting what they deserve," Sunil says as he holds her.

"Hey Sunil, I need to go, Sonia is asking for me,"

"You'll come tomorrow right?"

"Of course, I'll come, I'm sorry but I really need to go," I inform him, too guilty and ignorant to face Rohan.


I rush out of the courtroom and answer Sonia's call as I wait for the taxi to arrive.

"Where are you? You're always late Sanju,"

"I'm on the way, the hearing went on longer than we anticipated it to go Sonu,"

"We'll order then?"


"Will jiju--"

"No, he's busy,"

"Oh that wasn't what I was asking, jiju is coming so don't bother to lie, I was just asking if you could ride with jiju since he's not here as well,"


"Want me to drop you off?"

"Oh tell jiju hi!"

"Bye Sonu," I end the call.


"You're going to meet Sonu and your family right? Mom invited me too... I can give you a ride there,"

"Yeah okay," I say as I twiddle with my fingers.

He runs to his cars and I follow behind him as he opens the passenger door and holds it open for me. He shuts the door once I've settled inside and then runs to the driver's side and settles before starting the ignition.

We drive in awkward silence and when we reach the restaurant, he sighs before facing me.

"I really don't want to come if it'll make you uncomfortable,"

"It'll not make me uncomfortable," I mumble as I open the door and get out.

I follow after him as we walk into the restaurant, only for me to stumble on air and go face down on the floor.

"Ow!" I cry as I sit up.

I should be embarrassed but the pain in my nose is too much and tears well in my eyes as I hold my nose. When I feel hands cradling my face and concerned eyes staring at my eyes do I take into account all the eyes that are staring at us.

"It'll leave a bruise," Rohan murmurs as he stares at me.

"It's okay,"

"I'll go get the pain relief gel, I don't think your bone it broken,"

"No need, the pain will subside, I have a high pain tolerance level because of all the toes I've stubbed,"

Rohan chuckles and helps me stand up. Sonia is already coming my way, mirth written all over her face as she stares at my nose.

"You look funny Sanju,"

"Oh I'm fine thank you so much for asking Sonia,"

"Well I just came here to inform you, mom is going to start fussing over you the moment you sit down," she says.

And true to her word, my mom starts fussing.

"Sanju! Are you okay? That was quite a fall wasn't it? Did you hurt yourself somewhere? Do you wanna get your eyes checked? You keep stubving your toes also these days, what if you have glasses, oh wait you already do, what if the power has increased and we have no idea? What if--"

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