Chapter 29

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Rohan's P.O.V.

"Stop that noise," a soft voice groaned.

I slammed the alarm shut and sighed as the noise faded. I opened my eyes to find myself staring at my wife.

Ah my heart summersaulted at that phrase-my wife.

I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to me and tighten my grip around her.

"As much as I like your hugs, I don't wanna die of suffocation,"

Her words bring a smile to my face as I loosen my grip around her as I look at her.


"Hey, morning," she mumbles sheepishly.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry for my outbursts last night,"

"Sanjana, you never have to be sorry, trust me you're still better at handling it, I know for sure that if it was me, I would legit throw a tantrum and roll on the floor as I cried hysterical, yup I can even imagine myself doing that,"

She just laughed as my words before sitting up.



"Thank you,"

"Don't be silly,"

"No really, like all my life I've seen my father and how he would be ready to stand up for my mom whenever my grandmother said bitter words to her and I knew I wanted a love like theirs but when I took law, I realised that the love my parents share is too rare because of all the domestic abuse survivors and then you came and you stood up for me and I swear it was so..." She trailed of not knowing how to finish her sentence.

"You don't need to thank me sweetheart, count on me to always stand up by your side,"

"Mhmm and you should go shower first, I'd like to steal a few more moments in this cosy bed before finally waking up,"

"Yeah sure," I mumbled as I kissed her forehead and heading for a shower.


"Sanjana is not coming to the office today?" Sunil asks as we sit for breakfast.

"She doesn't want to get out of the room because she doesn't want to bump into that old lady, so I proposed if she'd like to go visit her parents for a day or two, just before Diwali celebrations begin,"

"Mhmm nice idea,"

After breakfast I drop Sanjana to her place only to stumble into her father who was frowning in my direction.

"What was last night about?" He asked as Sanjana walked to her room.

"I-- you promise not to get angry right?"

"Depends," he said as he crosses his arms over his chest making hin look even more intimidating.

I hesitantly start explaining the events from last night and don't look at him as I stop.

"Thank you Rohan,"

"T-thank you? For what?"

"For being there for her, for standing up for her and for being patient with her,"

"Oh nahi nahi, you don't need to thank me,"

"You're a nice guy," he said.

"No wonder you chose me for her right?" 

"Yeah but like just be there for her you know, she's my chota babu, and I cannot even imagine any harm coming to her after all that she's going through,"

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