Chapter 38

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I guess that art of sharing is very underrated because I feel so much better after sharing everything with Rohan. I stare at time and stretch my body, trying not to wake up Rohan who was sleeping peacefully next to me. I freshen up before going down for breakfast.

"Morning everyone," I greet them as I walk into the kitchen.

Monica grins in my direction before flipping the parantha and letting it sizzle.

"Where's your man? Has he forgotten that he has to go to the court today?" mom asks me as she takes a sip from the orange juice.

"He's still sleeping, he was too exhausted last night,"

"Go and wake him up yeah? He can sleep after the hearing at the court,"

"Yes mom, I'll do that,"

I went inside the room to find him already sitting and working on the file. He grinned as he saw me and I walked and sat down next to him.

"All the best for today, I hope you win this one just like all the other cases you've won,"

"Accompany me?"

"You don't need to ask Ro I was going to get ready anyways, I cant wait for you to kick their asses,"

Rohan chuckled as I disappeared in the bathroom to take a quick shower.


Rohan squeezes my hand as we settle in our benches all the while glaring at Mr. Puri. Today we were representing a girl who was deaf and she'd been assaulted by a very important man, the chief miniter's son and I wasn't even surprised to find Mr. Puri there. That asshole would go anywhere they offer money.

"Let the session begin,"

"Sir, I may sound very informal but I don't get while the Mr. Mehra even bothers taking such cases, like it's a waste of money and resources, you can clearly see from the video recording that Varun Mishra is innocent, that girl walked inside the on her own will and she didn't even say anything when my client sat next to her, it's almost like she lured him in-"

"Objection Your Honour!"

"Objection overruled, you will get your time Mr. Mehra,"

"I even have a friend of this girl in the court, may I call her?"

The judge nods and as a girl stands up from the audience, Mishika, our client gasps and tears well in her eyes.

She stood there, not meeting Mishika's eyes and took the oath.

"So Ms. Tanisha..."


My ears were ringing as everyone walked out of the court after the judge announced the dismissal and gave us another date. My whole body was trembling as I held onto Rohan for support. Mr. Puri and Rohan were the only ones who were there other than me.

"Mishika's fault for going out to celebrate her birthday? Was that the best you could do?" I ask as I block his path with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Excuse me,"

"Why isn't it ever the guy's fault?! Why couldn't he just fucking stay inside the house if he couldn't control himself?! I'm so sorry Mishika was outside! So fucking sorry that she thought she would be safe and yet people took advantage of her! So sorry for every girl out there who think they're safe with whomsoever they are and yet those people who need to keep them safe are the ones who take advantage of the girl's vulnerability, so sorry that girls are raped because the guy couldn't fucking control himself!"

"Sanju," Rohan whispers as he places his hand on my back.

"You're an asshole you know, and it would be a shame if one day you're helping someone that did wrong to your daughter, don't fucking forget that someday it might be your daughter and I'm thankful that Monica is with us who will always have her back rather than an asshole who just runs behind money, you don't deserve her! You don't deserve to live, you asshole!"

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