Cute Riley Bria Imagine For Ali!

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This is an Imagine about the American Idol top 12 guys contestant Riley Bria! This Imagine is for my Girl Ali, @summercrazy8!! Hope you like it Girl! 

It's been almost 4 years since i attended the Grammy foundation summer camp. I was just turning 15, just about turning 16 years old when i was given the most amazing opportunity. I got to go to a camp dedicated to helping the participants learn about the music business and developing a strategy that will increase the chances at having a successful career in music. the very first day of camp, we had a little bit of a get to know each other activity. I actually made some pretty awesome friends.

I met an amazing guy named Riley. Riley was from Spring Hill, Tennessee. I had spent most of my life living in Arizona(Sorry,if that's not where you're from! lol). I had moved here with my mom, for her job. So, being new at the time, my mom thought that it would be best if i went to a camp where i could meet people my age, and with similar interests as mine. Riley, he's a country singer...and i was as well. I think that's why we got on so well. For a week, we grew close. I came closer with Riley, than i ever was any other person i had ever known. Our relationship is an interesting story. We definitely had that summer romance. all our free time was spent together. We were able to be young kids in what we had thought was love. we were able to just be us, with no ridicule from the kids at school.

It's just a few days into the new year, and i'm excited to see what 2015 has in store for me. But i just can't help thinking about Riley. I wonder what's become of him. We do go to the same high school, but it's a heavily populated place. So i absolutely never see him. I wonder if he ever had the chance to chase his dream. Riley had always talked about doing American Idol someday. he was honestly the most talented guy i know. heck, he even played guitar for Keith Urban at the American Music Awards back in 2012.

*Present day/time*

I just got out of a music lesson, and the first thing that i do is go get some coffee. Now, since we're a small town, we don't really have a Starbucks anywhere. But, we do have coffee houses and cafe's. I walk inside this small, little rundown cafe. When i walk inside the building, I take off my jacket and hang it on the coat racks near the front entrance. I look around at the pictures and things on the wall. then i finally look at the people. I spot a couple friends from school, and make my way over towards them. "Hey Ali! what's up girl! We've missed you, girl!"they yell. "Hey guys! I've been doing good!"I reply,stopping. We chat for a bit, and the girls soon leave the cafe.

Once they leave, I walk up to the counter, and give the barista my order. I wait and look at my phone. "That'll be $8.56!"he says,looking up from his computer. I go to hand him my money, but a hand appears. the person attached to the hand, gives the barista their money. "Hi, and here you go, beautiful!"a guy my age says,flirtatiously. "Hey! thanks, but i could've payed for that myself!"I laugh. "Well, I saw you from over there, and i thought that i'd introduce myself! I'm Riley, Riley Bria!"the boy says,cracking a smile and looking at me with those blue eyes.

"Omg, Riley! it's been forever, I swear that the last i saw you was like 4 years ago. it's me, Ali! from the Grammy foundation summer camp! How are you?"I gush,happily smiling."Ali?! oh my goodness, Ali! I remember. I've been good. I just finished school not too long ago. Oh, and I auditioned for American Idol!"Riley Laughs. "Oh, you rock star! did Keith remember you? I mean how could he forget someone that played with him in the AMA award show!"I smirk. "Ha ha, he did actually."Riley smirks. We sit there talking about American Idol, remembering the Grammy summer camp we attended, and just catching up on the things we both missed out on, in each others lives.

"This was a lot of fun! we should do this again sometime, Riley!"I smile, while taking a sip of my coffee. "Yeah, we should! here, put in your number!"he smiles,handing me his phone. I enter in my phone number, and hand it back to him. Riley walks me out and when outside, we say our farewells. I go to walk away, but Riley grabs my forearm. He turns me back towards him. he grabs my face, and connects our lips. I kiss back, and just like Anne Hathaway in Princess Diaries, this kiss is a foot popping moment.

Hey everyone! Don't forget to watch American Idol tomorrow, and Vote for Riley!! 


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