Sam Woolf Sweet Imagine!

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It's the Summer between your Junior and senior year of high school. Your best friend Sam is going to try out for the singing talent show,"American Idol." you can't help but be proud of him,yet at the same hurts your heart so much. you've been in love with Sam since forever. today is Sam's audition. you're going with him,to be a support. you're his best friend,so you really should be going through this with him. he's been with you through it all! the good times and the bad. through thick and thin,he's always been right there by your side. and now it's your turn to return the favor,and be that kind of support for him. 

Your at the audition with him,waiting for his number to be called. now,for most of the day...he's been pretty at ease. been pretty cool and confident about the whole ordeal. but now,just hours,minutes before his audition...all the pent up nerves inside of him are coming to the surface. "I'm so nervous Y/n! what if i screw this whole thing up?! what if i forget the words to the song?! what if-"Sam Babbles. I can't think of any other way to shut him up,so I cut him off by kissing him. he sits there in shock,but soon kisses back. "What was that for?"He asks,shocked. "I Love you Sam. not just as friends,but more."I blurt out. "I Love you too Y/n!"Sam says,ever so sweetly. he leans in and kisses me again.

"Uh,Sam Woolf? we'd like to do a spotlight on you for the show."a camera man says. Sam pulls away,and faces the man. "Oh,Um...that's cool I guess."Sam replies. "Alright. and by the way,Who...who is this lovely young girl siting beside you?"the guy asks,cautiously. "this,this is my best friend,my girlfriend Y/n."Sam replies,looking at me. I smile at him,and kiss his cheek. we follow the camera crew off to their little private area. they ask him to retell his life story. And ask me,about our relationship,Sam's passion for music,and other things. then it comes time for his audition. "Good luck kiss,Y/n?'Sam asks. "Oh of course you dork. not that you need it!"I reply,before leaving a small peck on his lips. he walks into the audition room,and Ryan Secrest comes over to talk to all of us that are here. 

"So,you're the girlfriend?! well,do you want to sneak in there...and watch his audition?"Ryan asks. "Yes,I am Sam's girlfriend."I Reply. a shocked expression registers on his grandparents faces. "What? you and My Little Sam are dating?!"His grandma questions. "Yep. and to answer your question Ryan,I would love to sneak in."I smile. he quietly leads me into the audition room. we stand there and watch as Sam sings Ed Sheeran's "Give Me Love". He appears to be a little nervous. Once he's done,the judges start giving my Sam some feedback. Harry mentions the Treble Clef Tattoo on Sam's Arm. after the feedback,they go straight into the voting/decision process. All four of the judges vote yes,which means that Sam gets the golden ticket to Hollywood. I feel so happy for Sam. I run towards him,and the minute he sees me....he drops the guitar. I run to him,and jump into his arms. he cuddles into me,and runs his fingers through my hair. I kiss him with much passion. you can hear Jennifer,and Keith "awwing". he pulls away,and goes to get his ticket. Sam carries me,his guitar,and the ticket back outside to everyone else.

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