Sweet Milan Smith Imagine!

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This is a sweet imagine about Milan Neil Amin-Smith,the violinist from Clean bandit!!! in this imagine,I'm not really going to be using any name,So it's just gonna be Y/N!! anyways,On to the imagine!! Hope you guys enjoy! :)

You're good friends with Grace Chatto of Clean Bandit. You and Grace go way back,all the way to year 10...when your family moved to Cambridge,England. you spend a lot of time just traveling the world. and,because you both travel so much,it's hard to meet up. she's told you a lot about the band,and mentioned somehow trying to meet up one day. It's not that you don't want to meet up with your friend! it's just hard to find a common off time! well with You being a journalist....and her being in one of the hottest music groups of the century. 

One day,Grace calls...and talks to you about an up-coming concert in Toronto...where you are currently staying for business. you accept your adolescent friend,your best friend to this very day's offer. and how could you say "No" to your best friend,your sister?! plus,she's shown you some pictures of the band. and you have to admit that you have a slight crush on Milan. He's a hottie. And he's classically trained. he's everything you want and more. It's the day of the concert,and you're in your hotel room getting ready. you have yet to meet the other group members,which one member happens to fancy Grace. at the moment,you are attempting to decide on an outfit. you want to make a good impression on these boys. after all,you are a journalist,a entertainment news youtuber. you eventually decide to wear a floral printed skater skirt and a long sleeved black crop top. you choose to keep your makeup natural. once you're done with that,you spray some perfume and grab your purse. you exit the hotel,and start on your way to the concert venue.

When you pull into the venue,you text Grace and tell her that you're here. you get out of the car when you see Grace running outside the tour bus. you run up to her in excitement. "Grace! oh my gosh,how are you girl?"You exclaim. "Y/n! Darling....I'm great,how are you?"She greets bringing me into her embrace. we both go on to relate the many stories of our numerous and memorable adventures.

*Y/N's Pov*

Later on,Grace takes me with her to sound-check. I'm watching as she and the guys run through the set list. All the while,I find myself studying Milan. He smirks and waves at me. they finish the sound-check,and Grace calls me over. I walk over to the group,and Grace starts to introduce me. "Y/N,this is Luke,Jack,and Milan. Boys,this girl here is my best friend since year 10...Y/n. don't annoy her!"Grace says,cheerfully. the guys just stand there and smile at me. Suddenly,I notice Milan bringing my hand up to his lips.

"Hi,I'm Milan Neil-Amin Smith. and may I just say that it's a pleasure to be graced with the presence of such a beautiful young woman."He says,kissing my hand. "Awe,you are just too sweet! it's nice to finally meet you guys! Grace has told me so much about you guys."I say,smiling. Grace and the others disappear somewhere,and so now...I'm left alone with Milan. we're kind of just hanging out. I try to break the ice,but I just can't think of anything to say to him. So I sit there quietly thinking. 

I spot the piano,and go sit on the bench. I start to play my favorite song,"The river flows in you" by Yiruma. I start to play,and eventually I really get into it. "It feels so good to play again."I comment. "You play so beautifully Y/n. how long has it been?"Milan asks,smiling. "Almost 1 1/2 years,since I last touched a piano and played so vigorously."I reply,looking down. "Why did you ever stop playing? if you don't mind me asking."he says,softly. "Oh no,it's no trouble at all. My father is the one who taught me to play...he um,passed in a horrible accident 2 1/2 years ago. but I'm over it now."I speak,with tears spilling down my face.

"Aah,I see. but surely you must understand that it wasn't your fault."Milan says,sweetly. "But it was Milan! If we hadn't gotten into that crazy fight,he would be alive. if I hadn't said the words I said to him...If I had said something different..."I cry. "Oh Y/n,I can tell you this with surety....your father knows that you love him. I'm sure he'd be very proud of the young women you've become."Milan says,leaning in. I lean in as well. Our lips connect,and I bring my arms up around his neck. the kiss deepens,but Milan eventually pulls away. "I know this is crazy,but I really like you Y/n. and I was wondering if I could take you out on a date sometime?"He asks,shyly. I place my hand under his chin,and force him to look me in the eyes. "Milan,it's not crazy! I really like you too...and I would love to go on a date with you sometime."I say,leaning in.

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