Authors Note!!! (New Request Procedure!)

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Hey guys!!! So,I apologize if these next few imagines are utter crap! And for those of you who requested a dirty imagine, I'm sorry if it's no where near that! I love writing for you guys!! But There's just so much going on my life right now! School, junior year, ACT and SAT, parental issues, friend problems...etc. And to top it all off, the guy I love is gone
on a 2 year mission for our church (I grew up in the Mormon/LDS faith)

I sincerely apologize if these imagines are crap! It's been about 5 months since my love left for his mission... but I'm still a little hung up about it!! It's just been kinda hard on me!!

Oh,and BTW you guys,I have some Major Huge news in regards to this here imagine book!!! So....*drum roll*.............................................

So,I've come to the decision that with my imagines...there's gonna be a slight change in how this imagine book works!! I'll still do "Dirty" imagines,but they'll be more of a romantic or sad kind of dirty. No more of this "Hardcore" "XXX" imagines!! now the reason why i'm doing this has nothing to do with any of you!! I just don't want to do those kind of imagines anymore!!

So here's how the request process will work from now on!!! If you want me to write you an imagine,just leave me a comment below...Or an Inbox with this information. (please try to be as specific as possible! :) thanks!)

1.your name or nickname.

2.Name of the person you want. (I.e:Austin Mahone,Jacob Whitesides,Shawn Mendes...etc.)

3.Relationship Status (Friends, boyfriend, fwb (friends with benefits),etc.)


5.Cute, Sad, or dirty (Sweet dirty, maybe even sad/sweet dirty No EXCESSIVELY DIRTY REQUESTS!)

6.Miscellaneous information about you (hair/eye color, hobbies, etc. this quite helpful for me,as i may not really know all of you!)

7.Location(I.e Beach in Hawaii,school,Mall...airport,etc.)

8.Situation/Plot.(I.e He has a crush on me and asks me to prom in a very romantic way. etc.)

Thanks guys!!! I love you all,and I hope you understand!!! Love you,my dreamers! <3

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