chapter 18

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2 years later..

jungtae: mamaa!!

jk: wait a minute babyy..dinner is almost done!!

he yelled from the kitchen.

jungtae: nwooooo...look mamaaa...

jungkook stopped what he is doing and went to his baby who is now watching tv.

jk: mm? what is it baby..

jungtae pointed towards the tv and jungkook looked at th tv. Then he smiled..

jk: awww..look your dada..

jungtae giggled and clapped his hands.

jungtae: he ish so famoush!

jungkook smiled and kissed his baby's forehead sitting next to him. jungtae quickly got onto jungkook's lap and watched the tv.

jungtae: maama..

jk: yes little tigher..

jungtae: wanna go to grandma's hwome..

jk: really?? i will ask from dada okay?

jungtae nodded. Then they hear the doorbell ring.

jk: looks like dada is here..

he got up with jungtae on his hands and went to get the door. he opened the door and smiled widely seeing his hubby.

tae: hi my babies..

he said kissing jungkook's lips and jungtae's forehead. Jungtae made grabby hands towards his dada and taehyung took their baby to his hands smiling.

tae: missed me?

jungtae nodded and snuggled more closer to his dada. They went inside the house and taehyung saw that he is in the tv.

tae: two were watching it?

jk: yup.. jungtae showed me that you are in there..

jungtae giggled.

tae: i will go and take a wash..

jungkook nodded and took jungtae from taehyung's hand but jungtae held taehyung's shirt.

jungtae: wanna play..

tae: appa will take a wash and then play with you okay baby?

jungtae nodded and taehyung sat jungtae on the couch and went upstairs. jungkook put pillows to avoid jungtae from falling and went upstairs to their room. he then saw taehyung removing his shoes. jungkook quickly went to him and helped taehyung to remove them.

jk: how was your day hubby?

tae: tiring as always baby..but now i'm good becuz i'm with you..

jungkook smiled.

jk: cheezy as always..but i'm glad you are fine..

then he removed taehyung's coat and hung it in the closet.

jk: go freshen up hyungie..

taehyung smirked and came towards jungkook who walked backwards..

tae: shower with me baby..

jk: not now hyungie..jungtae is alone in downstairs ..

taehyung nodded and pecked jungkook's lips then going inside the bathroom. jungkook went back to the kitchen and arranged the dinner. after few minutes he hear giggles from the living room means jungtae is playing with taehyung.

jk:dinner is ready! come you two..

taehyung came to the dinning room with jungtae on his hands and sat him carefully on his chair. Both of them also sat down.

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