Episode 11: Come Closer (Pt. 2)

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Emily is joining us for dinner too, and we're having a great time. The stew is great, probably dad's best one yet. Izaac, in particular, seems to really like it, and he showers my dad in praise for his cooking skills.

After we're done eating, the topic of our California trip this Christmas comes up.

Izaac: "I haven't been to California in a while."

Emily: "Oh, you haven't?"

Izaac: "My grandparents live in Central Valley, which my mother and I used to visit all the time."

(Wow. This is first time he's ever mentioned his real mother.)

Dad: "They've got a lot of great wineries there. Maybe we should drive there instead of taking a plane. It would be a great way to check out the wineries."

Emily:"You mean I'll be stuck driving while the rest of you drink all the wine? I don't think so."

Dad: "Is there another way? You know I'm a terrible driver."

"Why don't we ask Luis to drive?"

Luis is a model who's been staying at Emily's place for a few weeks. He'll be joining us for the trip too.

Emily: "Oh, actually, he said he can't make it."

"He's not coming?"

Emily: "Yeah. He said he was going to Mexico instead."

"He made up with his boyfriend? That's sweet! I'm going to miss him, though."

Dad: "Mexico? That sounds nice."

Emily: "You're just happy he's not coming with us."

Dad: "No, not at all. I like the guy. It's just that he talks so much, it's hard to get a word in."

"Well, that's kind of true, but he's so nice!"

Emily: "I know. I bet this trip won't be as fun without him."

She gives Izaac a meaningful look as she says,

Emily: "Either way, there's no way I can do all the driving by myself. Do you have a license?"

Izaac: "I do, but I don't really drive much."

Emily: "Well, how would you like to join us in our trip to California?"

"What? Emily, are you nuts?"

She ignores me and keeps talking.

Emily: "You said you didn't have plans for Christmas yet, right?"

Izaac: "Yeah."

Emily: "So it's settled then. I haven't cancelled Luis's room at the hotel, so this is perfect."

"Emily! Izaac hasn't even replied to your invitation yet!"

Emily: "It's just..."

Izaac: "Okay. I'll go."


Emily: "That's great! You'll have to drive though, is that all right?"

Izaac: "Sure. I enjoy driving, so it's not a problem."

"Is this really okay, dad?"

Dad: "If he says it's fine with it, then sure."

Emily: "Great! This is going to be so much fun!"

She gives Izaac a big smile.

Izaac: "Well, I guess I should be going."

He finishes his coffee, and then gets up to leave. My dad and I walk him to the door.

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