Episode 5: Judgement Calls (Pt. 1)

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Everything seems to go back to normal a few days after the ball.

Back at school, it's all business as usual. One day, after a particularly boring math class, I leave the classroom and see a couple kissing against a wall. It's Dan and Serena.

I clear my throat, and the two of them look my way.

Serena: "Hi, [Y/N]!"

Dan: "Hey, how's it going?"

It really was Dan at the ball the other night. Apparently, they've made up because the two of them have been all over each other lately.

"Look, I'm happy for you guys but can you two please get a room?"

Serena: "Sorry, but we can't help it..."

Dan: "Yeah. I don't care who sees us and those who don't wanna see us, they can just look away."

Serena and Dan kiss again.

A girl walking by takes a picture of them and then leaves.

Of course, a few minutes later, my phone starts buzzing.

It's a Gossip Girl post of Dan and Serena's little make out session.

Serena: "Anyway, you don't have time to worry about other people, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Serena shows me the Gossip Girl site on her phone and points me to an earlier post.


What posted there is a picture of Izaac and I, dancing at the ball.

The caption reads, "Looks like someone's got a shiny new toy to play."

Serena: "So? Care to explain?"

"That's a load of crap! We just danced for a couple of minutes, that's it!"

Serena: "Really?"

Dan: "Are you even surprised it isn't true?"


Serena and I look at Dan.


As if on cue, Izaac comes walking over our way. He's linking arms with a pretty girl who's smiling sweetly at him.

Girl: "Hey, why don't we ditch afternoon class and go somewhere?"

Izaac: "Sounds good. I think you and I have enough chemistry as it is."

The girl just giggles in response. And maybe it's just my imagination but Izaac throws me a deliberate look as they walk away.

Serena: "I guess you were right."

Dan: "Nevertheless, I think they're being smart about skipping chemistry. Mr. Pizer's pretty boring."

Serena: "Should we ditch?"

Dan: "What do you think?"

"Well, I think I'm going to head off to class."

Serena: "Okay. Hey, [Y/N]?"


Serena: "Is everything okay?"

I know she's asking about Izaac, but I decided to dodge the question.

"Of course! Why do you ask?"

Serena: "Are you sure?"

"Seriously I'm okay! It's not a big deal! If anything, I'll be sure to pick a hotter guy for my next Gossip Girl blast!"

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