Episode 12: Caught under the Spotlight (Pt. 2)

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"Gossip Girl is nothing but trouble."

Izaac: "That's why I'm saying you shouldn't pay any attention to it."

He tells me with a slightly irritated tone.

Izaac: "The one who care about what she says are the self-centered attention wh*res at school. Taking them seriously only ends up hurting you more in the long run."

"Easy for you to say."

Izaac: "Yeah. I'm used to her writing stuff about me. I couldn't care less about what she says."

"Is that so?"

Girls like Serena and Blair are often making head lines on Gossip Girl. Even the guys make the rounds too. I guess it's part of the life of a popular Upper East Side socialite. I'm not one of them, though. It really freaks me out to see my picture on a gossip website.

(If I weren't dating Izaac, I would never be caught up in this whole mess.)

Izaac: "It only seems like a big deal right now. Soon, it'll blow over."

"Do you really think so?"

Izaac: "Yeah. Trust me, there's always some new scandal to keep people busy."

??: "[Y/N]!"

I turn to see who's calling my name and see Jenny rushing over towards us.

Jenny: "Did you read the latest Gossip Girl post?"

"You mean the one about me and Izaac? Yeah, I've already seen it."

Jenny: "No, not that. This is way bigger."

"What do you mean?"

I glance over at Izaac, who flashes me a smile back as if saying, 'See? Told you so.'

Jenny: "It just came out, and everyone's talking about it."

I pull out my phone to look.

"Is this...?"

There's a picture of Serena when she was buying those pregnancy tests at the drug store.

Jenny: "I can't believe she's pregnant. What if Dan's the father?"

She asks me in a worried voice.

Jenny: "But seeing as they only slept together for the first time over Christmas, it seems a bit early..."

"Wait a second, how did you know that? Did Dan tell you?"

Jenny: "Of course not. That would be gross, you know?"

"Right? But you said..."

Jenny: "It was just a feeling, that's all."

"A feeling, huh..."

Jenny: "I would never imagine he'd get her pregnant, though..."

"He didn't..."

Jenny: "Are you saying it wasn't Dan?"

"Not that. I mean Serena is not pregnant."

Jenny: "But Gossip Girl said-"

"She's wrong."

As soon as I said it, Izaac turns and asks,

Izaac: "So you know something?"

"Not really, it's just..."

(Damn. I can't really say anything.)

Suddenly trapped, I tried to quickly come up with a plausible excuse instead.

Girl's voice: "Wow, what a wh*re!"

It's Blair's group of friends. They're looking at their phones.

Jenny: "Hey, Blair!"

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