Episode 3: Playing with Fire (Pt. 1)

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I arrive in front of the Palace Hotel entrance a little before 9 o'clock.

At first, I wasn't going to go... But when I was having dinner with my aunt, Emily, I accidentally told her about Izaac's invitation...


Emily: "So is he asking you out on a date? You'll have to go! I'll think of something to get you out of your curfew."

She told my dad, "I need [Y/N] to stay late and help me prepare for a shoot, so she'll stay over here tonight.", and then came over to the apartment to pick me up.

"I feel bad about lying to him."

Emily: "What are you talking about? After your date, you can stay over at my place, so it's not really a lie, right?"

"That's true, but..."

Emily: "But if you don't plan on coming home until morning, just give me a call, okay?"

"What do you mean by until morning? Are you nuts?"

She sees the irritated look on my face and laughs. Seems she's totally enjoying this.

*flashback ends*

I see my own reflection inside the display window of a store. This is so not the right outfit to go out with Izaac...

I think back to the girl I saw with him a few days ago. She was really beautiful and she had this sexy, grownup air...

(I really should have spent more time on my makeup... Maybe I should go to the hotel's restroom real quick and fix my makeup a bit.)

I look away for a second and see a silhouette reflected in the glass that strangely resembles...


I quickly turn to face him. He tries to hide the grin on his face with a yawn.

"How long does long have you been standing there?"

Izaac: "I got here long ago, but it was amusing to sit back and watch you."

"You were watching me?"

I feel the temperature rising to my cheeks in embarrassment.

"You should have said something..."

Izaac: "Let's go."

Izaac walks off before I can finish what I want to say, so I hurry to catch up with him.

The hotel doorman hails a taxi and holds a door for us.

"Hey, just where exactly are we going?"

Izaac: "Don't worry about it, just get in."

His tone is seriously pissing me off but my curiosity beats me so I just get into the car, glaring at him the whole time.

Izaac mutters something to the driver and we take off.

The cab stops outside a club called Visconti. Judging by the line going out the door, it looks like a pretty popular place. A bouncer is out front telling people the club is full and refusing to let anyone else enter for the moment.

"He says it's full..."

Izaac gives a short huff and slips past the crowd towards the front.


Upon seeing Izaac's face, the bouncer opens the door for him without a word.

"What just happened?"

I hear someone waiting in the line shout, "Thought you said you were full!", and the rest of the crowd begins to boo.

Doorman: " He has a reservation."

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