Episode 2: All Eyes on Us (Pt.2)

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I wait for her for a while, but she doesn't come back.

It's almost time for the mixer to end.

Eric moves over in my direction.

"Where did Serena go?"

Eric shakes his head to say, "I don't know."

Eric: "I thought I'd have a word with Blair before leaving, though..."


Blair approaches the two of us.

Eric: "Blair, can I talk to you?"

After looking over at me, she gives Eric a sweet smile.

Blair: "Sure."

Eric: "Serena's not the patient at the Ostroff Center. I am."

Blair: "Eric, you're a sweet guy and I can understand you trying to protect your sister."

Eric: "I did this."

Eric shows Blair his wrist. His wrists are covered with deep scars. I can see the surprise on Blair's face.

Eric: "And today, Serena protected me."

Blair: "Eric... I..."

Eric: "It must come as a shock for someone who thinks she knows everything."

Eric says and then walks away.

Blair stands there with a dumbfounded expression on her face.


When I call her name, she turns to me, looking startled.

"You heard Serena's speech from before, right?"

Blair: "So?"

"You know, she said we were supposed to forgive those that have hurt us..."

Blair: "Eric's the innocent person..."

"Yeah. But if you do to Serena now, you still might have a chance. I mean, you two are best friends."

She looks away, obviously pondering what to do.

A few days later...

When I step out of the classroom, I see Serena and Jenny heading my way.

Serena: "[Y/N]!"

Serena grabs my arm and immediately starts talking.

Serena: "Blair and I finally made up!"


Serena: "We really did. This time for sure."

Serena is beaming.

"That's great! Seeing you so happy makes me happy too."

Serena: "And that's not the only good thing. This weekend the center said Eric could come home for a visit."


Serena: "If it works out, he'll be able to go back to his normal life."

Jenny: "But that's not all, right?"

Jenny looks at Serena with a playful smile.

Serena: "What? Oh, that..."

"What is it? Is there something else?"

Serena: "Yeah. Dan and I are thinking about giving things another try."

"That's great!"

Serena: "We've got a date tonight."

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