Chapter 12: Pointless Pixies

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~~☆☾❀ -Y/n's POV- ❀☾☆~~

Hermione forced me to come with her early to class, she wanted to get a front seat. I just slumped down into a seat in the middle. About ten minutes later, everyone (who hadn't shown up early to sit in the front) poured in. Harry sits down next to me. I give him a look like I'd rather be anywhere else than this classroom. There was a cage covered in a deep red velvet material.

Gilderoy Lockhart walks down the stairs in the front of the classroom. Hermione and the other girls hung onto every word that came from him. The boys roll their eyes, I would literally be anywhere else.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force, Defense League and five times, winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award... but I don't talk about that." Seems like you just did. "I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!" A few students smile weakly.

"Now... be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard-kind! You may find yourself facing your own worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here," Lockhart turns slowly to the cage. "I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them."

Almost everyone leans forward excited to see what was in the cage. Lockhart whips off the cover. Inside the cage are several purple creatures with pointy faces and wings, they rattle the bar. The students break out in laughs.

"Cornish pixies?" Seamus asks, tries to hold in a laugh.

"Freshly caught Cornish pixies."

Unable to hold it in anymore, Seamus dies with laughter.

"Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnegan, but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them now!"

Lockhart aims his wand to the cage and the door flies open. Instantly, the pixies leave the cage, and start wrecking the classroom. Tipping over ink pots and sending papers flying. 

Two of them grab Neville by the ears and lift him into the air.

"Come on now, round them up, round them up. They're only pixies." He takes his wand out, "Peskipiski Pesternomi!" That did literally nothing, except possibly make the pixies more angry. A pixie seizes Lockhart's wand and tosses it out the nearby window. Lockhart runs away to thee door of his office. "I'll ask you four to just get the rest of them back into their cage."

He slams the door and disappears behind it. 

Harry, Hermione, Ron and I are the only ones left in the room, well except for Neville, who had been hung by his robes on the chandelier.

"What do we do now?" Ron swats a pixie by his face.

Hermione raises her wand, "Immobilus!"

The pixies suddenly freeze in the air, moving as if the world had been stopped. Neville looks down at us. "Why is it always me?"

"That class was 100% completely useless, what was he trying to do. He didn't even teach us anything." I say, exiting the room with my friends angrily.

"Well, I won't say that. It was very interesting." 

"Hermione. No."

Both of the boys nodded to agree with me.

"How can you believe him?"

"I'm sure Professor Lockhart just wanted to give us some hands-on experience.

"Hands on? Hermione, he didn't have a clue what he was doing."

"Rubbish. Read his books. You'll see all the amazing things he's done."

"I don't even think he could have done any of that. At least based on today." I roll my eyes. I love my best friend, but right now? I'm just getting annoyed.

Ron, Hermione, and I were sitting outside. Hermione was doing some homework. Ron was eating some candy. I was busy scribbling in that black notebook I carried now. Harry had quidditch practice. 

I see the Gryffindor team crossing the courtyard.

From the other side come, who else but the Slytherin team, also carrying broomsticks. At the front of that group is none other the stupid Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint. 

I nudge Ron's arm to get him to look up. "Uh-oh. I smell trouble."

Hermione looks up. 

"Clear out, Flint! I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today." Oliver faces the Slytherin captain.

"Easy, Wood. I've got a note."

As Oliver takes the paper from Flint's hand, Ron, Hermione, and I come up to join the two teams.

"'I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.'" Oliver looks up.

"You've got a new Seeker? Who?"

"Draco?" Harry asks unbelievingly.

"That's right. And that's not all that's new this year..."

The Slytherins all hold out brand-new broomsticks. The Gryffindors look baffled.

"Those are Nimbus Two Thousand Ones." Ron recognizes the model.

"A gift from Draco's father."

"That's right, Weasley. You see, unlike some, my father can afford to buy... the best."

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent."  

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood."

Everyone reacts as if Malfoy had just confessed to a killing, that is everyone except Harry, who looks puzzled. A few of the Slytherins. 

I couldn't take this anymore, no one talks to my best friend like that. I don't care how much money or status

I punch him square in the face, he falls back onto the ground. I think that there was some blood coming from his nose. Before I could do anything else I got pulled back by Ron and Hermione.

"Don't. Ever. Talk. To. Her. Like. That. Again."

"Let's go to Hagrid. I don't think we can calm her down. You coming Harry?"

Harry looked at Oliver who motioned for him to go. 

[I don't really know how write like Hagrid]

"What 'appened?" Hagrid asks as we enter his hut.

"Malfoy. Y/n broke his nose. He called Hermione, well, I don't know exactly what it means..." He glances at me then at Hermione.

"He called me a Mudblood." Hermione says quietly.

"He didn'!"

Harry looks confused. 

"It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents." I explained to him. 

"Someone... like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation."

"Yeh see, 'arry. There are some wizards, like Malfoys' who think they're better than everyone else 'cause they're what people call pureblood." He says with sarcastic voice at the end.

"That's... horrible."

"An' it's codswallop ter boot. Dirty blood. There's 'ardly a wizard today that's not half-blood or less. If we 'adn't married muggles we'd've died out long ago. Besides, they haven't invented a spell our Hermione can't do..." He puts a hand on her shoulder, "don' you think on it, Hermione. don' you think on it fer a minute."

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