falling asleep in your arms (Shoji x reader)

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(Hi everyone, this fanfiction is dedicated to Hayden, I hope you enjoy it my dear friend, also, if topics like derealization and depression trigger you please don't read this, also if I didn't write about these disorders more accurately to the way you personally experienced them, I am sorry💖 Make sure to vent if you need to in the comment section I love you all)


You don't know how you even got accepted in UA, and you were even more shocked when you found out you were accepted in the hero section.

But you soon realized that you blended into the background while everyone else shined brighter than a diamond, there is few exceptions, but they were either social rejects like Mineta or forgotten, and left behind their classmates' shadows like, Ojiro, Shoji and well. You.

Your quirk isn't extra ordinary but, it was good enough to let you enter the hero section, it wasn't flashy, but it wasn't pathetic either.

People might think that after you entered the hero section in the most well-known hero school in japan your life had changed,

And they were right, but not in the way they thought they were.

Other than the trauma and the pain all of you went through as Students, your life didn't change for the better, your mental health was getting worst by the day... from depression to disordered eating.... but the most prevalent change was that you started derealizing. A lot.

And sometimes you weren't even sure that you were real or not, you wouldn't recognize yourself and you wouldn't remember much...

You didn't even think it was derealization until you googled your symptoms, that were very much real. And you did extensive research but knowing that you didn't get a medical diagnosis yet makes you feel like an attention seeking mess. You would question if you created all of this just to get attention, but it's not like you talk about it to everyone. You were afraid of speaking up and being seen as a liar, or a crazy person.

So, you kept it in, you were silent about your struggles. No one cares enough to realize you're not doing well, you're just a side character that exists to complement and make the main characters shine.

No one cares enough to see through your facade. Or at least. That was what you always thought...

You didn't make many friends in your new school. In fact, you made none. You knew their names sure, and they sometimes remember yours. But that's all. They were simple classmates. Nothing more.

But someone had an eye on you, since the beginning of this collective journey, and that person is shoji.

You never realized it, but he was nicer than everyone in the class, and lately, he started to notice you struggling to remember drinking water and eating. You guys started getting closer to you when you moved in into the dorms, he got a slight glimpse into your lifestyle, and he even once saw your room.

He suspected you derealizing but he wasn't really... sure and he didn't want to be rude by assuming the state of your mental health, plus you both didn't really talk much... so it was hard to try to get closer to you.

After months of slowly getting to know each other, you became the bests of friends. You spent all of your free time together and you developed feelings for each other.

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