Bad grade (Shinso)

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In the hushed atmosphere of U.A. High School's classroom, Aizawa handed back the biology exam papers. The tension in the room was palpable as each student eagerly awaited their results. As your paper was returned, you noticed a disappointed furrow on Aizawa's brow.

"You're capable of more than this. I expect better from you."

For a student accustomed to excelling, the sinking feeling of disappointment hit hard. The lower grade on your paper felt like a personal letdown, not just to yourself but also to Aizawa, who held high expectations for his students. As you met his gaze, a sense of guilt washed over you, and you couldn't help but feel like you had somehow disappointed the strict yet caring teacher.

You spent the next two hours of class thinking of your grade. You were unable to concentrate which only made you stress out more. Then the bell rang.

Trying to shake off the unease, you gathered your belongings and made your way to the cafeteria. As you sat down to eat, the usual enjoyment of lunch was clouded by the weight of the disappointing grade and the sense of letting down Aizawa.

Shinso, perceptive as always, approached your table.

"Mind if I join you?"

Without a word, he pulled out a chair, silently offering his support. As you began to share your feelings of disappointment, Shinso listened attentively.

"I just feel like I let Aizawa down. He expected more from me." You say with a defeated tone as you play with your food

"Grades don't define your worth. We all have off days. What happened?"

In the cafeteria's ambient noise, Shinso's reassurance was comforting. He reminded you that everyone faced challenges, and grades were just one aspect of the journey.

"Aizawa might be tough, but he also knows that setbacks happen. It's how you bounce back that matters."

Encouraged by his understanding, you found solace in the fact that setbacks were a part of growth and not a reflection of your capabilities.

The conversation with Shinso provided a much-needed perspective shift, allowing you to navigate the complex emotions that accompanied the unexpected grade. Later, as you both walked through the U.A. campus, Shinso continued to offer support.

"Look, it's just a setback. You're resilient. We'll figure this out together."

Later that evening, after the weight of the disappointing grade had somewhat lifted, Shinso suggested studying together in the quiet confines of your dorm. The soft glow of lamplight illuminated the room, creating a cozy atmosphere.

"Let's go over the material again. Maybe we can figure out where things went wrong."

You nodded, appreciating his proactive approach. The two of you settled into a comfortable study nook, textbooks and notes spread across the table. As you delved into the material, Shinso provided support and encouragement.

"Remember, it's okay to ask for help. We're a team."

"Yeah, I guess I put too much pressure on myself." You say as you search for the biology chapter in your copybook

"Aizawa's tough, but he's also there to guide us. We'll get through this." Shinso adds

Together, you worked through the challenging concepts, discussing theories and clarifying doubts. Shinso's calm demeanor and shared determination made the study session not just productive but also a bonding experience.

As the night progressed, the initial disappointment began to transform into a renewed sense of purpose. Shinso's support, both emotionally and academically, played a crucial role in turning a setback into an opportunity for growth. The shared effort in the dimly lit dorm room marked a turning point, not just in your academic journey but also in the strength of your connection with Shinso.
With the study session winding down, the weight of the disappointing grade began to feel a bit lighter. The textbooks closed, and the room returned to a relaxed atmosphere. Shinso stretched, breaking the focused concentration that had filled the dorm.

Shinso: "Well, I think we covered a lot. Feeling better about it?"

You: "Definitely. Thanks for helping me through this, Shinso."

As you both gathered your belongings, ready to head downstairs, the dormitory door opened, revealing the hallway beyond. However, before you could make your way out, a group of your classmates from Class 1-A passed by, playfully teasing you.

"Well, well! Look who's got a study buddy! Is this a new superhero duo in the making?" Mina teases.

"Yeah, you never bring anyone to our study sessions. What's the special occasion?" Kirishima adds

Your face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement as Shinso chuckled beside you.

"Just helping out a friend. No superhero duo, I promise."

Momo smirks at you

"Hmm, 'helping out a friend,' you say? Sounds suspiciously like a date."

Laughter echoed through the hallway. You couldnt help but chuckle at their remarks, cheeks heating up as you look at Shinso's embarrassed expression.

The teasing continued as you and Shinso made your way downstairs to the common area, where snacks awaited. The casual atmosphere among classmates brought a sense of camaraderie, even as they good-naturedly ribbed you about your "study buddy."

As you enjoyed the snacks and shared laughter with your friends, the initial disappointment of the day seemed like a distant memory. Shinso's presence and the support of your classmates turned what could have been a challenging evening into a lighthearted one.

You found yourself reluctant to let the night end. Shinso, sensing the unspoken sentiment, stood up from the couch.

"Well, it's getting late. I should probably head back to my dorm."

You hesitated, your thoughts echoing the unspoken connection between you two.

"Yeah, it's getting late. Thanks for the study session and, you know, hanging out."

Shinso gave you a warm smile, a subtle acknowledgment of the shared moments and unspoken feelings.

"Anytime. It was fun."

As he walked towards the door, you followed, the hallway dimly lit with a soft glow. The air seemed charged with unspoken words and the anticipation of what could be.

"Hey, maybe we could do this again sometime? Not just for studying, I mean."

Shinso's eyes met yours, a hint of realization dawning.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Count me in."

The exchange felt charged with the excitement of possibilities, and with a gentle farewell, Shinso made his way to his dorm. As you closed the door behind him, a mix of emotions lingered. The shared laughter, teasing from classmates, and the unspoken connection left you with a sense of anticipation for the days to come.

With a content smile, you leaned against the door, replaying the evening's moments in your mind. The chemistry between you and Shinso wasn't just about conquering biology; it hinted at the potential for something more.

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