Sad (Hawks x 3rd year Reader)

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In the bustling corridors of U.A. High School, you navigated the sea of students, feeling like a lone ship adrift in a turbulent ocean. The laughter and camaraderie around you were like distant echoes, emphasizing the isolation that gripped your heart. Despite the crowded hallways, an overwhelming sense of loneliness cast a shadow on your high school experience.

The weight of despair lingered not only in the hallways but also at home. In the confines of your family, conversations felt like scripted performances, each word a mask hiding the true emotions beneath. The dinner table, once a place of warmth, now seemed like an isolated island, surrounded by a sea of unspoken tensions.

School became a battlefield of its own, where connections felt elusive, and friendships were distant stars in a night sky. The classrooms echoed with laughter, but for you, they only amplified the deafening silence that enveloped your world.

One day, as the weight of loneliness pressed heavily on your shoulders, you found yourself seeking refuge on the rooftop of U.A. High School. The vast cityscape below, though breathtaking, only emphasized the expanse of your isolation.

The weight of sadness pressed upon your shoulders, and the cityscape, usually a source of comfort, now mirrored the storm within.

As you stood alone with your thoughts, Hawks, soared across the sky during his routine patrol. His sharp gaze caught a glimpse of your figure on the rooftop, and intuition led him to approach, sensing something amiss.

"Hey there, everything okay?"

Startled by his sudden appearance, you turned to find Hawks, his wings folded gracefully as he stood beside you. His eyes, usually full of confidence, now reflected genuine concern.

"I don't know... just feeling lost, you know?"

Hawks leaned against the rooftop ledge, offering a listening ear as you poured out the heavy emotions weighing on your heart. The city's ambient sounds provided you comfort.

Hawks looks into your pretty sad eyes. He wonders how they would look sparkling with happiness, how you'd look laughing, he's sure that you'd look stunning then, he made a silent vow to get you to smile someday.

"Sometimes, the view up here helps me clear my head. Want to talk about it?"

You hesitated but found comfort in the sincerity of Hawks' presence. As you spoke, the words became a lifeline, and Hawks listened without judgment, understanding the depths of pain.

"I may be a hero, but I've faced my share of struggles too. You're not alone in this."

In that shared vulnerability, a connection formed, bridging the gap between hero and civilian. Hawks, with genuine empathy, encouraged you to seek help, assuring you that reaching out was a sign of strength.

The city lights below began to twinkle not as distant stars but as beacons of hope. Hawks, understanding the importance of connection, vowed to check in on you in the days to come.

With a newfound sense of support, you and Hawks watched the city together, the weight of sadness gradually lifting. The rooftop, once a solitary retreat, became a space where understanding and hope bloomed, reminding you that even in the midst of darkness, there were heroes willing to stand by your side.

After that evening on the rooftop, Hawks and you exchanged contacts, and a gradual connection began to blossom. Hawks, true to his promise, checked in on you regularly, offering a listening ear and support during moments of struggle. As time passed, the hero's genuine concern became a stabilizing force in your life.

One day, Hawks proposed a casual meetup at a local spot known for its comforting atmosphere - KFC. The aroma of fried chicken filled the air as you both enjoyed a laid-back date, sharing laughter and stories over a shared bucket of crispy goodness.

"Sometimes, the best moments are the simple ones, right?" Hawks says in between bites

You smiled, realizing the truth in his words. The date at KFC became a cherished memory, a reminder that amidst life's complexities, joy could be found in the uncomplicated pleasures of good food and great company.

As your connection deepened, Hawks continued to be a pillar of support, offering encouragement and understanding. Whether it was a stroll through the city park, a movie night, or even a spontaneous visit to an arcade, each moment spent together brought a sense of comfort.

"Life as a hero can get hectic, but moments like these make it worthwhile."

As the connection between you and Hawks deepened, the hero, recognizing the importance of shared moments, decided to take a bold step. One day, after a heartfelt conversation and a shared laugh, Hawks looked at you with a twinkle in his eye.

"Hey, how about we make it official? What do you say to a proper date?"

His proposal caught you by surprise, and a warm flush spread across your cheeks.

"A date? Like, a real one?"

Hawks chuckled, his wings shifting slightly in amusement.

"Yeah, a real one. How about dinner and a movie? Or something you'd prefer?"

The simplicity of his suggestion held a certain charm, and the idea of a proper date seemed like a glimmer of light in the midst of life's complexities.

"Dinner and a movie sounds great. When?"

Hawks grinned, the warmth in his eyes mirroring the excitement within.

Hawks: "How about this weekend? We can take a break from the hero duties and just enjoy some time together."

With that, plans were set, and the anticipation of the upcoming date added a touch of excitement to your days. Hawks, the hero who soared through the sky, now offered you a chance to experience the joy of connection, turning a simple proposal into a promising step toward shared moments and a brighter future.

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