Embers of Friendship (Geten x Insecure!reader)

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In the quiet village nestled amidst the craggy peaks of the mountains, you and Geten were inseparable from the moment you could walk. As childhood friends and betrothed to one another by your families, you spent endless days exploring the rugged terrain, your laughter echoing off the rocky cliffs and mingling with the whisper of the wind. Geten, with his stoic demeanor and unwavering loyalty, was your anchor in a world filled with uncertainty. And you, with your lava quirk, were his constant source of fascination and admiration.

Together, you forged a bond that seemed unbreakable, a friendship that weathered the storms of adolescence and emerged stronger for it. From playful games of hide-and-seek among the towering evergreens to late-night conversations beneath the star-studded sky, your bond only deepened with each passing day. And though the weight of your betrothal hung heavy in the air, it was a burden you bore gladly, for in Geten's presence, you found solace and strength.

But as the years passed and adolescence gave way to the tumult of high school, the once unshakeable foundation of your friendship began to tremble. Insecurities gnawed at the edges of your confidence, whispering cruel doubts into the recesses of your mind. Your body became a source of shame and self-doubt. And as you stood before the mirror, scrutinizing every perceived flaw, the weight of the world pressed down upon your shoulders, threatening to crush you beneath its weight.

It was in these moments of vulnerability that Geten showed you the depth of his love and devotion. With tender words and gentle touches, he reassured you that beauty lay not in perfection, but in the imperfections that made you who you were. And as he peppered your skin with kisses, tracing a map of adoration across every inch of your body, you felt the walls of insecurity crumble before the onslaught of his unwavering affection. For in Geten's arms, you found refuge from the storm, a sanctuary where your flaws were embraced as part of what made you beautiful in his eyes.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, you and Geten navigated the winding road of high school together, hand in hand, hearts ablaze with the fiery passion of youth. With each passing day, your confidence grew, buoyed by the unwavering support and love that Geten showered upon you.

In the end, it was not the weight of tradition or the expectations of others that defined your relationship, but the unbreakable bond of love and friendship that had weathered the trials of time. And as you stood before the altar, surrounded by friends and family, the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders, replaced by the warmth of Geten's hand in yours.

"I never thought I'd be lucky enough to have you by my side," Geten murmured softly, his voice thick with emotion. "But here we are, together at last."

Tears of joy welled in your eyes as you looked into his, the depth of your love reflected in the crimson pools of his gaze. "I love you, Geten," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "Forever and always."

And as you sealed your vows with a kiss, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you, bound together by a love that burned brighter than the fiercest flame. In each other's arms, you found the strength to overcome any obstacle, the courage to face any challenge, and the love to light your way through even the darkest of nights.

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