Study Date with Shoto

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The day at UA began with Aizawa's signature disinterested drawl as he announced a surprise math class. The collective groans and boos filled the air as he scribbled equations on the board. Midoriya's eyes widened, and even Bakugo couldn't hide his irritation.

"Today's lesson: Math. Get over it," Aizawa deadpanned, unfazed by the chorus of protests.

The class trudged through the lesson, and just when everyone thought they were free, Aizawa dropped the bomb: an upcoming math test. The collective groans escalated to a cacophony of complaints.

Later, as the bell rang, you and Shoto found yourselves lingering in the classroom, both silently contemplating the impending math doom.

"You okay?" Shoto asked, noticing the stress etched on your face.

"Math isn't my strong suit," you admitted with a sigh. "This test is going to be the death of me."

Shoto leaned against a desk, his dual-colored eyes reflecting a hint of sympathy. "Wanna study together? Maybe it won't be as painful with company."

The offer caught me off guard, but you welcomed the idea. "Sure, why not? Misery loves company, right?"

You headed to the library, books in hand, ready to tackle the looming math disaster. As you delved into the world of numbers, Shoto's explanations and occasional sarcastic remarks lightened the mood. The library's hushed atmosphere became a sanctuary for our shared struggle against the impending test.

Amid the equations and formulae, the subtle glances and shared laughter lightened the mood. Shoto's calm demeanor and genuine willingness to help made the daunting task more manageable. The library hours stretched into an unexpected bonding session, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment.

After two hours of grappling with math problems, you closed your textbook with a sigh of relief. "I can't believe we survived that."

Shoto smirked, "Survived? We conquered it. I never thought I'd say this, but math isn't that bad with the right study partner."

You chuckled, "You might be onto something there. How about we celebrate surviving this ordeal with some boba tea?"

Shoto raised an eyebrow, "Boba tea? Not a bad idea. Let's go."

Youheaded to the boba shop right next of UA, the aroma of brewing tea and the hum of conversation creating a comforting ambiance. As you settled into your seats, the conversation flowed naturally.

"So, what's your least favorite subject?" Shoto asked, stirring his boba tea.

"I hate math when I don't understand it." You admitted with a laugh. "But it's not so bad when you have someone to share the misery with."

Shoto smirked, "Glad I could make the torture more bearable."

You continued chatting about anything and everything, from favorite hero quirks to the quirks of our classmates. The conversation meandered through topics, and as you shared stories and opinions, the subtle chemistry between us deepened.

Between sips of boba tea and shared laughter, the worries of the math test and the chaos of the day faded into the background. The boba shop became a place where the hint of something more than friendship lingered in the air, just like the sweet aroma of the tea you enjoyed together.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the UA campus, you Shoto left the boba shop and began strolling towards the dorms. The cherry blossom trees lining the path released delicate petals The soft crunch of leaves beneath our feet accompanied our quiet conversation.

The air was filled with a gentle breeze, and the soft crunch of fallen leaves beneath our feet accompanied our quiet conversation. The dimming light cast a glow on Shoto's features, highlighting the dual colors of his hair. The world around us seemed to fade as we shared stories, dreams, and aspirations.

"It's a beautiful evening," Shoto remarked.

"Yeah, it is," you replied, stealing a glance at him. "Thanks for studying with me. I don't think I would've survived that math test without your help."

Shoto's lips curved into a small smile. "Anytime. I enjoyed it."

As we reached the dorms, the girls from Class 1-A greeted us with teasing grins.

Mina nudged me with a mischievous grin, "Well, well, look who's back from their romantic math study session."

I felt a rush of warmth to my cheeks, "It wasn't romantic. We just studied."

Kirishima joined in, "Studied, huh? Sure looked like a date from where we're standing."

Shoto, seemingly oblivious, blinked in confusion. "Date? What are you talking about?"

Laughter erupted in the room, and I couldn't help but join in. "They're just teasing. Don't mind them."

Shoto's eyes widened with realization, and a faint blush tinted his cheeks. He looked away, attempting to hide his embarrassment. "Oh, I... didn't realize."

The teasing continued. Amidst the laughter, the subtle connection between Shoto and me lingered, like the cherry blossom petals that continued to fall outside the window, felt rather than spoken.

After a hearty dinner in the dorms, you retreated to your room, the laughter from the common area fading as you closed the door behind you . As you unpacked your backpack for the next day, your mind couldn't help but wander back to the events of the day, particularly the time spent with Shoto.

The image of him, the way his hair fell just right, and the subtle smiles we shared lingered in my thoughts. The simple act of studying math had transformed into something more, a connection that went beyond friendship. As you neatly organized my books, you couldn't shake the realization that maybe my feelings for Shoto were more than just friendly.

A soft sigh escaped you lips as you sank onto you bed, the room bathed in the gentle glow of a desk lamp. The warmth of the day and the teasing from the girls played on a loop in you mind. Was it possible that the chemistry and laughter you shared were signs of something deeper?

With each passing moment, the subtle realization grew into a quiet acknowledgment. The thought of Shoto brought a flutter to your chest, a feeling you hadn't quite experienced before. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to this connection than you initially thought.

As you zipped up your backpack, the weight of a newfound awareness settled in.

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